Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

Hey that's not close your making me feel old and I'm 28, looking good tho (tank that is lol) shame about the fish napping moggy tho.

Moss balls!!!
Hey that's not close your making me feel old and I'm 28, looking good tho (tank that is lol) shame about the fish napping moggy tho.

Moss balls!!!

First time I read that, I thought you were implying that Liz's tank looks better than her, rather than referring to yourself! I was going to call you a cheeky #29###, but then re-read it. :lol: :lol:
I know lol, read it back after and was a little worried :)

This could well be the most spammed thread ever lol

Soooooo obvious none of you have ventured to the Marine section! You think this is Spam?! I haven't even setup my SW tank yet, and my journal's already 6 pages long!



Update: My tank is beautiful and I got rid of the algae by removing it with my fingers... So, my tank is again beautiful and I have no algae. :D




[media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzPaiTtxZyg[/media]

C. parva... Spamity, spam, spam, spam!
:D I like this tank.. one day, when the force is stronger within me, I too shall attempt a high-tech thingummy such as this, and it shall be peachy. :)

oh.. and.. umm.. fontinalis antipyretica?!
:D I like this tank.. one day, when the force is stronger within me, I too shall attempt a high-tech thingummy such as this, and it shall be peachy. :)

oh.. and.. umm.. fontinalis antipyretica?!

(cue Jedi Music) Young Pawadan, you will soon learn the ways of the Force. But, if you read carefully through this thread, high-tech this tank is not. No CO2 injection it has. High-light... Yes, yes... Wise am I with the ways of the Force. Manipulate them, I can. :lol: (end Jedi music)

Good spam, btw, well you will do... Peachy it shall be...

SPAM: Blyxia japonica.
Ok if your gonna brag about the algea thing

Your fish are from different locations so its incorrect

( I know that bugs you you said in your marine thread :rofl:). :fun:

But the tank looks great :good:
Ok if your gonna brag about the algea thing

Your fish are from different locations so its incorrect

( I know that bugs you you said in your marine thread :rofl:). :fun:

But I never intended this tank to be a biotope. So there... I'll always win! :lol: Yes, I brag about the algae, why not? This is the point of planted tanks, to sit back an enjoy! It proves that when you setup correctly from the beginning and keep things clean, algae is very minimal and it's not a problem. I get emails from other forums and all they talk about is struggling with algae. I'm like why? Takes all the fun out of the hobby for me.

But the tank looks great :good:

I know...

Haha, I'm very happy that things are basically done with this tank. It's now become a sit back and enjoy system, barring moss wall maintenance. It's great because the SW is going to kill me. :crazy: I did not pick an easy first system.


EDIT: Shoot! Forgot to spam...

Hmmmmm... Halimeda incrassata! Ha! A Marine macro algae.
Yeah it's abit different to marine especially a mixed macro coral system lol
:D I like this tank.. one day, when the force is stronger within me, I too shall attempt a high-tech thingummy such as this, and it shall be peachy. :)

oh.. and.. umm.. fontinalis antipyretica?!

YES!!! The force is strong in this one!!!

Crypt Beckettii
looking great blah blah blah, only joking, its doing well Liz. BTW have you noticed the stain glass window in the top left on the last pic?
Oh, the reflection of the leaded glass door in the background ... cool!

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