Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

looking great blah blah blah, only joking, its doing well Liz. BTW have you noticed the stain glass window in the top left on the last pic?

Blah, blah, blah... You wish for the day when you'll stop fiddling with your tank and can sit back and enjoy while other members spam your thread!

@This old spouse... That is my door reflected on the glass. That is kind of cool.


SPAM - Udotea Flabellum

Your tank is perfect and has no algea but it does have reflection :crazy: :lol: :lol:

Your tank is perfect and has no algea but it does have reflection :crazy: :lol: :lol:
Indeed... as said by someone else on this forum (would quote but can't remember who it was lol :rolleyes: )

Glare monster is glaring.... thou shalt defeat him by taking pictures at night! ;)
Teach me the ways of no CO2 + High Light, master.

SPAM - Randomus latinus namus

It is a difficult path not recommended for Pawadans. Well, not really, but you have to know plants better before you can go this route.

@ bae1994 and coldcazzie... Hmmm, if glare monster is the only problem I have with my system... :p So nitpicky...

Ah, life is hard when you are so perfect all the time...

My tank is beautiful and has no algae....

SPAM: Ochtodes sp.
YES!!! The force is strong in this one!!!


(*Sings...) Calliiiiiiiiitriche vernaaaaaaaaaaaa
My god this journal grows like a page a day with spam lol so need to get some going on mine, it's not even got an answer for my question yet lol :(.

My god this journal grows like a page a day with spam lol so need to get some going on mine, it's not even got an answer for my question yet lol :(.


Oh! Neglected you, I have...

Will go spam yours now...

Spam: Tonina
My tank is still beautiful and has no algae...

Hi all, this weekend, I'm going to remove the crypt spiralis and a large chunk of bolbitis and then encourage the sags to fill in the back. It'll be easier for me to maintain.

Lol don't you pretty much do nothing and never get algae anyway, how could that be easier lol
Lol don't you pretty much do nothing and never get algae anyway, how could that be easier lol

Pretty much, hehehe, but I sort of fancy the sags and want them to spread a bit. Besides uprooting the crypts will disturb the substrate, causing a potential ammonia spike, keeping me on my toes. :D
Besides uprooting the crypts will disturb the substrate, causing a potential ammonia spike, keeping me on my toes

You mean save you having to dose the tank for a week. lol. You are getting lazy Liz :p

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