Llj's Ada Tank "refugees From Endor"

Lol all my pics come from an iPhone 3GS I so need a decent camera lol

Lolol, the iPhone 4 is an improvement over my 3G, but it doesn't do macro & the clarity isn't as good. I'm at rehearsal now & don't get home until late. Tomorrow, though, rehearsal gets out at 6pm, so I'll be home early enough to get a nice update done.

I may up my WCMM school on Sunday, maybe the otos too. There was a madagascar at one of the LFS that I want. Went there to look at Marine, but they got some decent plants too.

Wow your tank looks fantastic! Is there alot of work involved with it? Im looking at trying a 6ft version :D
Wow your tank looks fantastic! Is there alot of work involved with it? Im looking at trying a 6ft version :D

Well, a 6ft moss wall would be a challenge. Doable, but a challenge. I bet it would be amazing once done, though.

Well, I took some photos last night and had time to upload some pictures...



Rasbora gracilis



Some Fissidens that survived in "Endor" without light. I'm seeing if I can get it to grow. Didn't doa great job attaching it, though. Was getting tired. It's hard sewing moss.


Details of the pelia and wood



Thanks for looking.

Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous! Maybe some folks don't like all the greenery, but I think it's incredible. Wonderful job, Liz!!
I personally think the moss wall looks superb and you should definitely keep it. I'm toying with the idea of trying one in my second tank at some point.
Thank you very much for your compliment. :) Yes, I only removed it because it was growing too fast and it was about to choke on itself. The way I attach it, it grow very fast and I have to kind of treat it like Riccia.

NANA!!!! Lol sorry was looking at last post on last page, replied and realised I was a little late lol.
NANA!!!! Lol sorry was looking at last post on last page, replied and realised I was a little late lol.

That's ok, brought some humor to my journal, which are typically very dry.


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