Lljdma06's Nano; Scape #2 8/09 - 3/10

Some pictures.







I'm eventually going to arrange this in a more Dutch fashion, but right now, I'm letting things stabilize. Last time I worked with this tank, I didn't really begin scaping until about 6 months after the tank was setup.


EDIT: I did find a fourth oto. :)
It's been over a month since I've updated this tank.

It's still a work in progress and not really very Dutch at this moment, but right now I'm just fascinated with watching the growth and am letting the tank basically do what it wants to do.

Other than a little green spot algae on the glass and on the the anubia leaves, there is no algae. To be honest, I've been kind of lax on both water changes, ferts, and CO2, but I would maybe miss like a dose or two, so It hasn't been that bad. Other than some diatoms in the beginning, I haven't had any big problems.

I've removed most of the stems and will probably remove the rest eventhough they are growing well. I just didn't much like them.

The hydrocotyle is crazy! :crazy: I need to move it to the back and let it grow, but with work, I have little time for anything other than changing the water and dosing. I love it, it's just all over the place and I need to control it soon.

The moss wall is also very thick and I'll have to trim soon. I'll give some away then.

Some pictures for you to look at. I have a new 10mega pixel camera now with macro, so I've been playing with it.

Crazy moss wall. :crazy: Crazy growth! :crazy:

Hydrocotyle pearling.

Close-up of an oto. I have no clue what they are eating. I do not feed them. They hated the pellets. They are fat, though, so they must be eatiing something, probably mulm. They poop like typical plecos.

Baby nymphaea, from my outdoor tub. Growing quite well after a rough start.

Fissidens fontalis, neat moss.

Three otos, fourth one was on the other side

Crazy hydrocotyle; dropchecker was just changed, which is why it is not an apple green.

Full tank shot

This tank has been fun. I think it is stable enough now to add more than the 4 otos I have currently have. I will probably be ordering some small rasboras in the very near future, but my gut says to do the rescape first.
Wow LLJ! Stunning little tank :) Really has an enchanted feel to it, with lots of "toad stools" and the like :D

Thanks. I think it's cute. I've removed the rest of the stemplants. I found them growing well, but rather messy and I wanted to see more of the moss wall. I much preferred the look of the other plants, including the hydrocotyle, which I've controlled a bit. The hairgrass is really starting to spread and I find that I am wanting one more small nymphaea. I trimmed the moss too, so I have a golf-ball sized clump of weeping moss.

It is stable, the otos are doing well, and I think I am ready to expand on the livestock. I still like my initial fish choices and may add them over the next couple of months. Before it gets too cold.

Thanks for posting, I was looking for some imput, so I appreciate it.
It's been about 2 weeks and I've done some minor changes.

I moved the hairgrass to the left so the hydrocotyle has more room to expand to the back of the tank. I also removed a piece of wood with susswassertag from underneath the hydrocotyle to a more central location.

I'm still playing with my new camera, and took some HD pictures.

Some pictures for you. :)







I am very happy with this little tank. While it may not be the loveliest, I think it has its charm. It is suprisingly easy to care for with regard to CO2 and dosing. The worst problem with this tank is evaporation and the loss of soft-water stemplants. Harder water plants have done better. I can go, however, 2-3 weeks without a water change if I top off.

Does anybody know about this little crab? Limnopilos naiyanetri

I think it's cute and I've considered adding it. The research I've done has been positive and the rest of the fish are very small as well.

those crabs are awesome, they dont each fsh or shrimp either :good:


tank/ plants/ fish are all looking great by the way,
those crabs are awesome, they dont each fsh or shrimp either :good:


tank/ plants/ fish are all looking great by the way,

Thanks Aaronnorth. I'm glad you showed me the thread. Better pictures. The more I look, the more I like the idea of them. It would bring something different to the tank than the usual fish.

This is awsome llj, really come on nice :)

Thanks. It has been a pleasant surprise. My mom says it is the "best lamp she's ever had". :lol: We had a standard end table lamp before I decided to put my 8g there.

Very nice indeed! the tank has a real sense of charm, and it looks like some under water fantasy, a few shrimp would love the moss wall.

I'm very pleased with how the moss wall turned out. I came up with the idea of a tank divider and I was taking a pretty big risk. It was well-established in a matter of weeks. After another trim, I'll have enough moss to make another wall for my 2.5g, should I decide to set that one up again. Moss grows rather quickly with CO2 injection.

I'll definitely be ordering the crabs and possibly either the mini moth catfish or the boraras merah within the week. I've also considered a shrimp, but I'm not especially picky about the species. Whatever my supplier has in stock. I don't need fancy $8000 shrimp. That blew my mind when I saw the article.

I'll keep you posted as to what I decide.

Thank you for the complements. :)
Well, I made the order.

Hopefully this week, I'll receive some Boraras merah, Erethistes jerdoni, and Limnopilos naiyanetri. I think it'll make for a delightful little tank with a bit of whimsy and enough interest. There are plenty of hiding places and the sand substrate is super soft. I have to keep my nitrates rather low, though, as the jerdoni don't appreciate high nitrates, With the plant mass, however, I doubt I get past that, even with the TPN+. I may even have to dose less once the livestock comes in.

I'm pretty excited, I've never waited this long to add stock before. If they do well, I may add a shrimp species for more color.

Right now, I want to go take more pictures. Plants are pearling. Very nice.

EDIT: Took some pearling pictures.



I'm probably not your favourite person in the world, but I have to comment.

firstly, I give my apologies to you...you know why.

secondly, this looks stunning. I'm thoroughly impressed. i've watched over this journal and allways found it pleasing to look at.

no need to reply to this, just thought I'd let you know. excellent stuff indeed.
I'm probably not your favourite person in the world, but I have to comment.

firstly, I give my apologies to you...you know why.

secondly, this looks stunning. I'm thoroughly impressed. i've watched over this journal and allways found it pleasing to look at.

no need to reply to this, just thought I'd let you know. excellent stuff indeed.

Thanks, saintly. It's no competition winner, but I smile whenever I look at it. The fish will hopefully go in tomorrow. They are in the post.

As for the other thing. Don't worry. :)
Time for an update.

I think I lost all of my crabs. Granted, my moss wall is extremely thick and I have many dark corners in this nano, but I am not optimistic. I never had much luck with inverts. Shame, because I like them. Could be that my catfish ate them, they are looking rather fat and sassy. But they are very small too. When the tank ages a little more, I may give it another shot.

After a few initial "sucked up the filter" losses, the rest of the fish are doing quite well. The boraras are starting to scope out territory. I received a mix of species, featuring brigittae, merah, and maculatus, so I have to do another order to boost the numbers. Then I'll decide which species I like best and the extras can go in my 20g or the platy tank.

I really enjoy the Erethistes jerdoni. They have a goofy sort of swim and they are more extroverted that I anticipated. They love the hydrocotyle and will rest on the leaves.








Plantwise, the tank is doing okay. I need to dose more, but I'm running low on TPN+ and I have to be skimpy before more arrives. Yeah, yeah, I can do the dry stuff, but this is so much easier. :lol: Thanks for looking.

that is one great looking tank! java moss takes some looking after, trimming mine all the time or it would take over!
shame about the crabs :(

I would advise hacking back at the moss wall otherwise you will end up having to rebuild it all :good:

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