Little Simon and Petey

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I think it just now hit me how COMPLETELY ANGRY I am over this whole thing. I'm so mad I might just have to have a good cry and then be over it. Every single person at that table had the chance to stop what was going on and no one did.

I keep seeing little Simon's ripped up little face and it makes me FURIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. :grr:
BettaMomma said:
I think it just now hit me how COMPLETELY ANGRY I am over this whole thing. I'm so mad I might just have to have a good cry and then be over it. Every single person at that table had the chance to stop what was going on and no one did.

I keep seeing little Simon's ripped up little face and it makes me FURIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. :grr:
Don't let yourself get too upset. :no: You did all you could do, and more. You made a big difference to Simon. In the short time he was with you, you can bet you were like an angel to him. And you have inspired me and probably most people who read this thread to do all we can do when it comes to looking after injured fish. :)

P.S: This has nothing to do with bettas, but I find when I'm angry at someone and I can't contact them, I get a packet of Tiny Teddies (biscuits) and bite their limbs and heads off, pretending they're the person I'm angry at. A bit odd, but it really works. ;)
^in the US they are called teddy grams or somethin..that does work sometimes LOL
Umm, BettaMomma - What, no pictures of Petey yet? He's going to get a complex and think you don't love him as much as the other new guy. :rolleyes: :whistle:
SPLiSH said:
P.S: This has nothing to do with bettas, but I find when I'm angry at someone and I can't contact them, I get a packet of Tiny Teddies (biscuits) and bite their limbs and heads off, pretending they're the person I'm angry at. A bit odd, but it really works. ;)
:lol: That's hilarious. I will definitely give that a try.
I do feel much better today.

Eudie - I know! I'm feeling horrible about not having pics of him too... but here's why - Petey wasn't ever in the office, we just brought him directly to the house - the new guy came to the office for an afternoon with me before I brought him home, and I haven't brought the camera home in a while (it's our work camera). I will sneak it home tonight and post some of him tomorrow. He's very pretty - he just needs to have some TLC and get his fins growing back - he's got finrot.

The boys seem to LOVE their new split minibow. I got some of that plastic craft canvas. I had originally thought I would hate that stuff, that it would look cheesey and I would never use it. BUT - after I got my minibow and the boys were flaring like crazy at each other if I didn't put several plants in. So, I broke down and got some. i got the clear, or slightly white stuff with teeny tiny holes. I LOVE it! and it doesn't look bad at all.... They can't see each other that well unless they put their eyeball right up to one of the holes.

SOOO... I might just take some pics of everyone tonight so everyone feels loved. :wub:
bettamomma do you have pics of all your tanks?

I can remember not so long ago you made a thread asking how you should divide up a tank, did it go ok? Im thinking of doing this myself, i would love a crowntailed male :wub:
I will take pics of my tanks tonight and post them tomorrow.
I have 2 of them divided - I'm going to get another divided one for 2 of my boys here on my desk at work that are in little 1G aquaviews.

I'm sorry - I forgot to take the cam home last night.
I will for SURE take it with me tonight.
I was in a huge hurry to get going last night - had an ever-important kickball game, you know.

I will have some for you tomorrow, for sure.
OKay - here they are!

First of all, here's Petey...



As you can see, he's battling some finrot problems, but we're working on getting those corrected.
Now, for the tank...
Here's a bunch of shots of it. Lemme know if you have questions! :)




I know what you mean, bettamomma. I hate a lot of humans. I guess the reason why I hate them is how self absorbed we all are. I mean, even tonight when I was rescuing my Sky boy, all my mother could do was complain on how she wanted to go get something to eat, and told me to quick take the "thing" and lets go. That isn't so bad, because she was at least letting me get it, but it was the principle of the thing.

And yesterday, when my dog mercilessly killed my baby chicken, and I was in tears, all my parents could say was, "well, at least it won't keep us up at night anymore." They felt bad for me and all, but the message that was portrayed to me was they didn't give a flying **** about the life that had just been taken.

People are just too self absorbed, and it makes me sick. They would let two breathing, feeling lives be killed for their own amusement. It's human nature, and people have been this way for centuries. Garr!
I was kind of going over all the adjectives I could think of on my way home from WM tonight to describe most people.
I came up with greedy, self-centered, disgusting, gluttonous, self-serving, heartless bastards.
And that was before I got out of the parking lot.

I have really lost a lot of faith in people overall since I started keeping fish and working with a woman who runs a guinea pig rescue shelter.

People are for whatever is good for themselves, and that's it. As long as it makes their life better for the moment, than GREAT! So what if it hurts *just an animal*...
I've gotten to the point where I'm near vegetarian now even, because the thought of what a poor animal must go thru just so I can have a nice dinner makes me sick.

I know the world works that way, and I do still eat meat, but I just can't seem to understand people sometimes. Just don't get it.
Bettamomma- I would love to divide my Minibow... Do you have the canvas AND the clear divider in there? Last time I tried to use the clear divider that came with it Typhoon snuck through the side and had a little visit with Mai Tai. :crazy:
I looked at the canvas tonight @ Wal*Mart but they only had the 7 mesh, and I wanted smaller holes, maybe a 10 mesh.
Did you use any aquarium sealent?
Bettamomma, you are love.

I am a vegetarian, I used to be vegan, but I couldn't keep up. Maybe I'll go back to it someday.

I work with horses, and trust me, you see a lot of crap in that business line, and I'm not talking horse crap. It's horrible, and mostly based off of human ignorance.

Grr now I got myself worked back up into a snit. Once, I visited and just went through a ton of articles they had on the site. PETA might be crazy, but there's a lot of truth in there. It shocked me to my core on what I found there, and on a lot of other sites as well. I wish I weren't human sometimes. ut on the other hand, if I weren't human, who would help the animals I've saved?
Yep, I have them both in there.
I also have the one that came with the tank slid over so it's not in the grooves they provide for you to put it into. There are gaps along the sides if you put it in there. Just put it into the tank sort of sideways and then straighten it out and press it over to one side until the whole thing has no gaps anymore. Then get some of the craft mesh. I got mine at Michael's - they have the stuff w/the teeny holes. So does JoAnn...

I didn't use any sealant because I think some day all my boys will have their own 2.5G and I want to be able to take out the divider if I want to. It works very well.

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