Hello all.. back again. I've been treating Trevor for 4 days so far with both Maracyn and Maracyn-Two. Tonight his last dosage of each goes in, and 24 hours later it will be over, and time for a 100% water change.
He still doesn't look like he's gotten any better. He doesn't lay on the bottom as much, rather he lays around the top, either on his plant (got him a tall silk plant) or on the suction cup for the heater. But he is still listless, and still pale. He has been eating throughout all of this and will swim around occasionally but I figured with 10 days of M2 treatment and the new 5 days of M1 treatment I should have all my bases covered. :\
I am trying to rack my brain thinking of things.. there is a small possibility that it might be PH related.. what are the symptoms of too high PH? The last time I tested his PH it was high for a Betta, between 7.8-8.0. I just got off the phone with my LFS and they say says the PH in my area's tap water has changed over the past couple of months, it has gotten higher. I don't know what the PH was when I first got him up until now because I just got a freshwater test kit at the end of last month, so I don't know if its gone up enough to cause him harm, from whatever the PH was that he was "used" to. The LFS suggests using Discus Buffer to lower the PH. I don't know.. I'm willing to try just about anything. Someone else suggested to gradually work down to a 50/50 mix of distilled and tap water to lower the PH. I have also seen "Betta Water" at the local Petco -- I believe this is dechlorinated RO water, with the proper PH. But its expensive and I couldn't afford to do his water changes with this bottled water all the time.. thinking about trying to add some into his water changes right now to see if he perks up at all.
Any other ideas? Thanks all