Well he has been on four days worth of Maracyn-Two dosage and he's not getting any better. Tonight I will drop his last quarter-of-a-tablet in, just to finish the recommended 5 day dosage, but tomorrow afternoon marks the end of the treatment and I need to change his water then anyway. I don't see him getting any better overnight but I guess i can always hope. He is still pale as he was before I started the treatment. He is still as listless as ever, fins clamped tightly and always laying at the bottom of his tank. The tank is still at 83 degrees, I added aquarium salt the day after the first dose of Maracyn-Two but this doesn't seem to be helping either. But he's still hanging in there.. he is still eating, never lost his appetite except for that one strange day where he wouldn't look at the food. I gave him two pellets this morning and I will give him one more or so, this afternoon. His tank is extremely cloudy and mucky from the Maracyn but I guess that's what its supposed to look like.
I have noticed one other thing.. over the last day or two, when he comes up for air, he darts right back down to the bottom but it looks like he's rubbing the sides of his body against the seam of the tank where the side walls meet the bottom -- he does this before he settles down in one spot to remain motionless. It almost looks like a symptom of some of the classic external diseases of fungus or parasites but he still doesn't have anything growing off his body. I am aware the Maracyn-Two treats gram-negative organisms.. I wonder what he really has is gram-positive organisms? I don't know, because I figured the aquarium salt would take care of everything else that wasn't an internal parasite. ugh. At least Maracyn-Two covers dropsy.
other than that, I don't know -- I am thinking of starting a new treatment after I change his water, of regular Maracyn to cover the possibility of gram-positives.. i just don't know what else to do.