I COMPLETELY agree w/ you. I wish people would stop picking on LFS's! And anytime anyone says anything bad about PETsMART, I get PISSED!!!
PETsMARTchick said:
I COMPLETELY agree w/ you. I wish people would stop picking on LFS's! And anytime anyone says anything bad about PETsMART, I get PISSED!!!
I'm not quite sure what you meant about getting pissed at PetSmart...I personally don't like the locations around my house for several reasons, but I'm not saying they're bad, just that for fish related items, I prefer my LFS. I agree that people shouldn't just write off PetSmart because of one location; however, I do have to say that shopping at PetSmart and visiting my LFS are like night and day.

For instance, at my LFS, when I walk in the store, I'm greeted by employees who know me on a first name basis and are quite familiar with my tank setups. If I need advice, they are quick to help, and if they don't have an answer for me, they have tons of books behind the counter that they're happy to pull out. If I need a specific fish, it might take a bit of time, but they'll get 'em for me. In fact, one of my favorite LFS doesn't *receive* shipments of fish, instead they actually pick them up and hand select them from a distributor.

Now, let's compare that to my average PetSmart / PetCo visit. I walk into a massive store, where no one knows me. Even if I was a regular, there are too many employees to really get to know me and my tank setup on such an intimate level as my LFS does.

If I do manage to actually enlist the help of an associate (which is rather difficult at times given the mounds of questions and newbies that are in line in front of me) I cannot order specific fish as easily, their stock (sorry, maybe it's just my local *3* stores) doesn't look nearly as healthy as my LFS, and quite often times the associates cannot answer any questions I may have, nor are they willing to find someone who may be able to help. To be blunt, they just don't have the time, nor do they care. Why should they? PetSmart/PetCo isn't going to hurt any if they lose one sale. My LFS will.

But, much like I said, I don't dislike chain stores, I just prefer to put my money back into the pockets of people who own good LFS. I feel like they've worked hard to build up a good store, stock it with good, healthy fish and enlist the help of some knowledgable staff. I'd like to keep them around as long as I can. :)
i know my lps is great, they even told me [/U] to buy tanks from them, beacause they get their tanks in retail cost, and thats the same as where big chains sell them, and they actually keep their bettas in lage bowls, and they have a few females.
Becca, rather than quoting your post, I figured I'd adress this to you (though it can apply to anyone) ;). I don't think the issue is with finding help or selection at other pet stores. Of course the smaller mom and pop type store is going to be able to learn your name and your tanks and remember you. They don't get nearly the volume as a chain store. I think PETsMARTchick's problem is people bashing (unfairly I might add) the entire global collection of PetSmarts/PetCos because there one store is bad. I no longer bother to read those posts, as they are so irritating. I agree it isn't even remotly fair to call all PetSmarts/PetCos "evil" or say that all of them are fish killers etc. I'll say that I prefer my LFS for many of the reasons you give, but that doesn't mean I am above buying from PetSmart if they have something I want. When I had mollies (I gave them up) they were the first fish I bought and they were so prolific that I must have had at least 20 generations before I gave them up. Also they were my cycle fish, because I didn't know better at the time. They came from PetSmart, and many are still alive in their new home.

Ahh, I gues i misunderstood Petsmartchick's post. Thanks for clearing that up, Dan. :)

Like I mentioned above, I do prefer my LFS, mostly for the customer service, but I'm not opposed to shopping for supplies and things of that nature from PetSmart. In all honesty, I do have to give my local PetSmart credit. Everytime I'm in that store, the couple of employees who actually know a decent amount are stuck with the customers that argue EVERYTHING with them. I wouldn't have the patience to deal with that. :p

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