Lets Talk Fry Foods


New Member
Jan 13, 2006
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Northeastern North Carolina
This is a copy and paste that I posted on several forums starting with www.bettafoums.com I am just looking for many different opinions on this topic. Let me know what you think

I have been reading several different places that say to start changing fry food from live to either frozen, flake, or something other than live foods by the age of one month old. Now I feed mine live food and pellets (atisons starter) from like 3-4 weks old until 2+ months depending on the size. I then start crushing up Atisons pro pellets and feeding those when they get large enough to eat them.

What I am wondering is if you were to feed flakes starting at 1 month old what flakes would you feed?
My thoughts were to feed a basic flake 4 out of 7 days and on the other three days go with either frozen or some sort of live foods (full size brine or black worms).
Would spirulina flakes do any good for them?
Digestion wise is what I was thinking.
Also what do you think would be the highest protein content in a flake food that would help them grow but not plug thier system up?

This is the way I feed now
first couple of days - boiled egg yoke
first week to begining of the third week - microworms and some bbs
start of the third week to 4-6 weeks old - bbs and atisons betta starter
5 weeks on - frozen ghost worms (white mosquito larva), frozen daphnia, and crushed up atisons betta pro pellets. Sometimes they get treats like live black worms or brine shrimp.
Hm.. not sure I can answer all of your questions, but I'll try. ;)

First off, I thought Attison's Betta Starter is only to be fed for up to 4 weeks? My juvies were able to eat Betta Pro at 5-6 weeks, and I know a lot of people who feed HBH Betta Bites from 1 month on along with frozen & live. I tried flakes once, and I hated them because they really pollute the water and generally aren't worth it.

It sounds like you have a really nice variety of fry foods! This is my plan for my latest spawns...

Month 1 - Attison's Betta Starter, Liquifry, MW's, & BBS
Month 2 - BBS (not past 6 weeks), Attison's Betta Pro, Daphnia, Frozen BW's & BS
Month 3 - Attison's Betta Pro, Frozen BW's & BS, Daphnia (Magna, of course!), Grindals
your little ones must grow super fast, I have a couple of my over 400 one month olds that might attempt to eat the larger pellets but I dont think it would be possible. Can you post a pic f what your one month olds look like with some kind of comparison beside them.

Also notice that some of my weeks will over lap depending on the size of the babies of that spawn. 4-6 get one thing then some start a new food at 5 weeks. So it just depends, and with the atisons betta starter I have not been sucessful at getting any babies less than a week old to eat it. I lost an entire spawn trying to get them to eat that stuff from day 3 on, by day 8 or 9 they were all dead.

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