Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

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lol i love the honesty of the guys photos on here......:D and you don't post hundreds in a desperate attempt at attention.... :rolleyes:

really.....i'm impressed ;)

i should give steady the picture i promised, i'm not about to bomb this thread anymore *boogies and gets back to painting*

yeah come on, give me thst picture lol, im waiting :)
lol i love the honesty of the guys photos on here......:D and you don't post hundreds in a desperate attempt at attention.... :rolleyes:

really.....i'm impressed ;)

i should give steady the picture i promised, i'm not about to bomb this thread anymore *boogies and gets back to painting*

and who exactly would u be referring too?
lol i love the honesty of the guys photos on here......:D and you don't post hundreds in a desperate attempt at attention.... :rolleyes:

really.....i'm impressed ;)

i should give steady the picture i promised, i'm not about to bomb this thread anymore *boogies and gets back to painting*

yeah come on, give me thst picture lol, im waiting :)

lol I'll PM it matey, it's not rude, it's just i'm a bit funny about posey photos...lol

and pheonixbaby.......all girls in general love attention, there's a lot of photos on this thread that are much more than *here's me....this is my face*

that's all :) i'm not starting any bitchslaps, not my style!

....why are elephants so definately grey? damn thing's taking over my painting.....
lol i love the honesty of the guys photos on here......:D and you don't post hundreds in a desperate attempt at attention.... :rolleyes:

abit rude I think its just that girls tend to have more pics


totally agree, i found that comment a bit rude

hollypop, u say u wasnt being rude, but then u state about others posting hundreds in a desperate attemp to get attention, so yeah that WAS bitchy

so what if theres more than "heres my face", does people posting posey pics have any impact on u?? no, it wouldnt so why bother with the petty comment?

at the end of the day there are people on here who post posey pics, myself included bcoz we are proud of the pics we have and we want to share them, not to get attention!!

if i want attention i'll run down the street naked, not post pics up here to attemp to get attention from people online cheers
u dont need to justify urself huni

Jaiden set this thread up for pics, so as far as im concerned post away :good:

i love pictures and i love sharing them, but i guess im just attempting to get attention :rolleyes:
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