Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

Mine are:

Fred - cuz he's just too sexy.. (the song im to sexy by right said FRED!)
Miagi - my boyfriend named him after the tutor in Karate Kid
Homer - as i put him in a pint glass while i moved him to his new home, and it had Homer Simpson on it!!!

Livingston-dead was named after the star trek lion fish
Rayne: female betta, bought on a raining day.
Jasper: matelic blue and red. name popped in my head.
Storm: pink white and blue bought on stormy day
myst deseased female
Friday cocco brown betta with bug eyes lol.
ophelia: died by sucide white with red markings female
peach white with light pink on her fins reminded me of a peach female
Thera: female red purple and pink. was the name of earths sister planet really look it up.
siren the newest female betta matalic blue crown tail
I never named my female and then my sister went and named her Betty to my one year old nephew!!! :rolleyes:
baldrick- pk- my bf named him
colby-vt-i was thinking bout getting some cheese slicess ahile maning him
edam- vt- same reason
ziggles- pk- he kept moving and it suited him
tarzeik- vt- i have no idea how i got it

and ive given up naming my females i have 9 at the moment mostly sisters and they all look the same hahahah
Mine is named Carl the Crimson Wonder, and my girlfriend calls him Clifford the little red fish...... He responds to both.
:) I am crap with names!
My first is called Baby, as I took so long to think of a name and kept calling him baby because he was so beautiful, it stuck!
The I got Neptune, I thought I was being clever using a sea name but it turns out lots of people call their fish Neptune! Though he generally gets called Neppers or Nippers :p
Then we have Splodge, called that cos his is just splodgy looking :p
I did have Zeus, who died after only a week :( - I was going for God names!
Loki is named after a demon but I just loved the name :p
Darth is so called because he is black... and my husband was not overly pleased at the addition to the betta family, and is a big Star Wars fan, so i thought it might placate him a little :p
And lastly, Blackbeard - named by my husband who had been watching Pirates of the Caribbean! And his is peachy coloured, and did have a very dark brown beard... its not as dark any more but hey... :p
Firstly, I LOVE your NASA, he is gorgeous and a spade tail to boot! What wonderful coloration!

I am kinda new around here & have a beautiful betta named Speckala who is in my avatar. He is pretty young & I saw him at Petco after our last betta, BuddyBlue died. Speck is a delta tail & not at all up to standards of betta beauty, but he has so much personality & gets so psyched to see me when I come to the tank. I am hoping that with some TLC that his tail may grow some & possible spread to SD or maybe HM, as he is only abt 1 in long (have had him abt a week now). The front of his head is white with little red freckles or specks, so we decided to call him Speckala. Well, my 5 yr old decided that, so we are keeping the name ;

I SO want an all white/platinum male HM & there is currently a few on Aquabid that are amazing. ut, my DH would kill me if I got another fish that needed another tank, so I will have to wait on that one :no:

I also have Sonny (red wag tail platy) & Cher (silver mickey mouse platy) in my 10 gal. - Sonny & Cher are lovers & never leave each other's sides. her is going to be dropping a new brood soon & I hope to keep some fry & raise them to be added to the tank. I have 3 green corycats that I cannot tell apart so they have no names as of yet. Ooops, I know this was abt Betta names, but I could not resist telling the story of my others :rolleyes:
Blaze - He was firery red
Royal - Royal blue colour
Lancelot - Fiesty little chap
Leo - Quite little chap but loved the name
Rainbow - Was multicoloured (sisters boy)

Rose - Cream with Red fins
Ruby - Redish, little fat girl
Crimson - Grey with red and blue fins
Scarlette - Crimson's lil twinny
Lily - Metalic blue but just liked the name

Currenlty only have Lily though :(
REDBULL as in the colour of the tin!


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