My first two
- Alpha (my first betta) plain blue veiltail but highly active
- Pinball (red veiltail)
The Three Kings (crowntails)
- Batman
- Roaring Red
- Psycho
The Cambodians
- Bachelor #1
- Bachelor #2
- Bachelor #3
- Bachelor #4
- Little Princess (cambodian female)
- Buttons (he's Mr. Personality)
The Marble Veiltails
- Michaelangelo
- Donatello
- Raphael
- Leonardo
- Rubicon (a favorite of mine, a full-plummed veiltail)
- Rocket's Red Flare
- (unnamed green delta)
- Red Banner (red HM)
- Chilipepper (blue VT)
- Inkspot (marble DT)
- Mean Mr. Mustard (yellow VT)
- MMM (emerald transparent delta)
- Justin (red delta)
- Peekaboo (marble DT)
- Chai (CT)
- Chickenhead, the Cory Killer (CT)(he attacked my poor pandas)
- Jewel (emerald female)
- Googie (Oh how I miss this one!!!! Had him for only a week... Not afraid and always came up to greet me! Such a BEAUTIFUL doubletail.... )
The Knights (plakats, or "King Bettas" as PETCO terms them)
- Evil Ryu (Viet)
- Adon (Thai)
- Muay (Thai)
- Pitchfork (Viet)
- Guile (Viet)
- Agni (Viet)
- Shiva (black, asymmetrical, not pretty)
- Dang Banger (bright red plakat' "The Red Knight")
- (unnamed cambodian plakat)
- Tugboat (semi-giant blue-green plakat)
The Armored Knights (copper plakats)
- Vega (my FAVORITE of all time - a runt copper, but he LOVED to flare)
- Thornton
- Freaky
- Xc4
- Zen (loved to bite my finger then the food YIKES!!!)
- Lockdown (plakat, this one is the most aggressive I've ever had; he won't even wait for the pellet to drop out of my hand and he's killed 2 tetras - so far)
- (unnamed metallic DT)
Adon - Shiva - Agni - Muay
Evil Ryu - Guile - Vega - Thornton