Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

NASA makes sense for that Betta with that tail

lol: I names mine pebbles
My first two
- Alpha (my first betta) plain blue veiltail but highly active
- Pinball (red veiltail)

The Three Kings (crowntails)
- Batman
- Roaring Red
- Psycho

The Cambodians
- Bachelor #1
- Bachelor #2
- Bachelor #3
- Bachelor #4
- Little Princess (cambodian female)
- Buttons (he's Mr. Personality)

The Marble Veiltails
- Michaelangelo
- Donatello
- Raphael
- Leonardo

- Rubicon (a favorite of mine, a full-plummed veiltail)
- Rocket's Red Flare
- (unnamed green delta)
- Red Banner (red HM)
- Chilipepper (blue VT)
- Inkspot (marble DT)
- Mean Mr. Mustard (yellow VT)
- MMM (emerald transparent delta)
- Justin (red delta)
- Peekaboo (marble DT)
- Chai (CT)
- Chickenhead, the Cory Killer (CT)(he attacked my poor pandas)
- Jewel (emerald female)
- Googie (Oh how I miss this one!!!! Had him for only a week... Not afraid and always came up to greet me! Such a BEAUTIFUL doubletail.... ) :no:

The Knights (plakats, or "King Bettas" as PETCO terms them)
- Evil Ryu (Viet)
- Adon (Thai)
- Muay (Thai)
- Pitchfork (Viet)
- Guile (Viet)
- Agni (Viet)
- Shiva (black, asymmetrical, not pretty)
- Dang Banger (bright red plakat' "The Red Knight")
- (unnamed cambodian plakat)
- Tugboat (semi-giant blue-green plakat)

The Armored Knights (copper plakats)
- Vega (my FAVORITE of all time - a runt copper, but he LOVED to flare)
- Thornton
- Freaky
- Xc4
- Zen (loved to bite my finger then the food YIKES!!!)

- Lockdown (plakat, this one is the most aggressive I've ever had; he won't even wait for the pellet to drop out of my hand and he's killed 2 tetras - so far)
- (unnamed metallic DT)

Adon - Shiva - Agni - Muay
Evil Ryu - Guile - Vega - Thornton
Cottage-because he looks like a small but tasteful villa
SpinachEater-I was steaming some spinach for a friend when I found her in my neighbor's garage
Telepathy-I can read his MIND! lolololol
Graham Grant-Nothing is more attractive than a man in a kilt, and, just like the hero in Paula Quinn's A Highlander Never Surrenders, little Graham (or Crackers, as he is known in more casual circles, has a lovely bustle and a staunch mind. ROFLCOPTER
Alamo-She has pretend holes in her sides, just like that famous fortress! And she's stalwart, too.
LippyHippyDippy-She flirts with Graham and bakes cookies, too! lol
Crocodile- not sure if he's a fish
Blaine- an red fish, great with kids. If he were a human, he would love to go surfing in Indonesia wearing only a smile (and a tasteful pair of socks, of course! lolololol)

I love the name NASA!
First betta in 1990:
Ariel (yeah it was a male but I didn't know any better)

Second, 1992/93ish:

Third, 1999:
Fishy (sucks I know)

Fourth, 2004:

Fifth, 2004:
Rudolpho (actually my mom's fish but I picked him out and named him)

Sixth, 2008 (current):

Seventh, 2009 (current):
Albert Fish, named after the serial killer/cannibal. Thought it'd be cute and kinda fitting due to their nature heh.
The Professor- a 4 1/2 year old beauty
Bait- white CT, reason enough why you should never allow your coworkers to name your pets
An as-of-yet-unnamed blue and white HM

Past names include Emichi, Nim Nims Tuckit (don't ask), Sparrow Oboefish, Kahlua, Kokiri, Neopolitan, Roger.

Gals included Fiona, Emele, Marlis, Adalynne, and a couple other unnamed ones (I'm horrible about naming fish.)
Newest betta is Pennywise. He is super colorful like a clown. I couldnt think of a name for him and then I watched the movie IT the other day. It just fit lol
my only betta is red, and he is named george lucas. we abbreviate to GL for short sometimes.
I have my 2 boys:

"Sparkles" My purple/blue/red Viel Tail

"Zues" My turqoise/white Super Delta Tail.

I've had Sparkles for 3 years and Zues I just got a couple days ago :) I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH
mines dont have names yet:
i have a Red Male VT
and a Female Purple/blue CT
im waiting until they breed until i name them.. then ill get a well suited name for each off them ...

Netty arent you forgetting Nemo?
Soco = red veiltail male.

Hennesey = blueish green and black with red webbing crowntail male
My first betta was named Phrantic Phred. I really wanted to name him Fred, and my roommate wanted to give him a 'better' name, and she started darting around the tank, so Frantic came to be. We spelled it with a PH because I'm originally from the Philadelphia area. Unfortunately, Phred died of unknown causes several months ago.

My current betta is named Starbright because he's very interestingly colored, and when my roommate and I were driving home with him I said half jokingly "Let's name him something really crazy...like....Starbright!" and my roommate approved haha. Most of the time I call him Fish Fish though. :)

Both were Veil Tails, Phred was red with a blue sheen... and Starbright looks like someone dipped him in several vats of water colors.
Mr yellow
Mr red and white.
Mr blue.
Mr White
Mr Marbled.

and lucky

oh i am so original lol, even if i named them i would never remember!
Thor - blue CT
Drake - silver/gold/red RT?
Shimmer - Drake's sister
Cloud - white/red VT/CT
Gambit - red dragon HMPK

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