Blondielovesfish said:
I'm winning because I have exams to study for.
Wait, that means I'm losing......
Has anyone else never celebrated Halloween (and thinks its a waste of time and money) or is it just me?
You think that because:
A) you've never tried before
B) You're a New Zealander and therefore don't know how to have fun
C) You're stressed with exams so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
D) Family troubles so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
E) Boy troubles so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
F) You're hungry so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
G) you're tired so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
H) you're lonely so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
I) you're bored so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
J) You are easily scared so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
K) your fish is sick so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
L) Hormones
M) your teachers are bugging you so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
N) you wanted me to make a big list discussing reason why you might want to so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
O) your artistic talent isn't up to the task of pumpkin carving so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
P) your realized I was actually copying and pasting " so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday " and so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
Q) Your garden is dying so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
R) You're a vegetarian so do not have the necessary vitamins to enjoy Halloween
S) your fashion sense isn't up to the task of designing a costume so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday
T) When people see you Knock on their door asking free food they scream and run away
U) When people see you they scream and run away
V) You're a blond so you do not know how to have fun
W) you spent 10 minutes making an A-Z list of why BLF hates Halloween so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday. Wait... That was me...
X) You hate how Long the alphabet is because it makes your A-Z listgo forever so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday Wait.. That's me again...
Y) You typed an A-Z list on an ipod and now really regret it because of all the typos you made so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday .. Wait.. Again that wasme..
Z) You spent so muc time on a list that you now love list-making so wish the alphabet was Longer so feel the need to rain hate on a loved holiday. Dagnammit! Me again!
NOTE: Above is a joke. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it!
Now I Need to go dominate another game.