Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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American Football evolved from Rugby Football, which originally used, I believe a round ball. The rugby ball evolved into an oval, in order to make it easier to carry, and harder to kick. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the differences between the 2 were minimal, to the extent that the USA won Olympic gold at rugby in 1920something.
Indeed it did originate from rugby.  Do you call it 'rugby football'?  If so, then I suppose that's your answer to question regarding where the name came from...
Technically, I suppose it is "Rugby Football", but we don't refer to it as such.
eaglesaquarium said:
But, you realize that we Americans call things different than you Brits.  You ride the 'lift', we ride the elevator.  You go to the 'cinema', we go to the 'movies'.  We use 'gasoline', you use 'petrol'.  There's countless others.  We are a people separated by an ocean, and a common language.
Faucet is the one I can never get used to.  Such an odd word.
You might get a fast response if you make a thread in an appropriate section about sexing your fish, only a small subset of members read this thread and it might be that none of us know how to sex it :)
It's a blue paradise gourami. And I have started a thread but im not getting any strait answers.
Hmmm... if you're not looking for strait answers, maybe you could get some isthmus answers.
eaglesaquarium said:
where did you get that rumor from? the queen of the NFL? they also want to get a team in LA again, which that i believe is a top priory last time i checked, this is an american football league its useless and stupid to get a team in London, also would make team travel very difficult and give an unfair advantage because of it. In short dont sweat it
Very recent.  And you honestly think that the NFL cares about the travel issues?  They had 2 games there this year and three scheduled next year, and there's no reason for either of those teams to go over there, except the almighty dollar.
They want a bigger fan base and Europe is an untapped resource.  The gobs of money they are pulling in aren't enough, apparently.  They want more.
exactly why goodell is garbage, I forgot that it is the MFL money football league. speaking of which, from watching that 49ers game i think alot of people there thought that Jacksonville was a 7-0 team instead of an 0-7 one :S
I'm Getting a female German blue ram tomorrow. :D
That's a very realistic tattoo, mate. ;)
That shadow would give me nightmares.
I'm winning because my closest LFS has started stocking dragon stone, seiryu stone and petrified wood, it's an aquascapers paradise now!
I'm winning because I'm getting a female blue ram today!
Or tomorrow. Not sure which. :p
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