Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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It was a 56 gallon (216L) :/
Hopefully another one will pop up cheap enough for me to buy :)
wow sounded like a good size, hopefully you will get another chance..
Mhmm, hope so.
I only lost by $5 :(
I wasn't home to do the bidding so I had to do an auto bid and it went $5 past the auto bid. :/
Got myself a male peacock goby on Saturday. :)
So far, he has spent the whole time being chased by the female.
She's spent quite a while being the only fish in the tank, so I suppose she has to get used to him being around.
Reasonably easy to spawn, and the male will tend to the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, though, they're on their own. Since my tank is very heavily planted with crypts and java moss, I'm hoping some fry will survive to maturity.
oh okay well thats should be cool and stupid question here are they brackish or freshwater?
*interrupts conversation*
MY STRAY CAT CAME BACK!!!!! 2 days in a row and twice each day :D last night she tried so hard to get in the house :(

procede with your conversation...
Thank you kindly, Como.
They are freshwater. Technically, they aren't a goby, they are a sleeper or gudgeon, since they don't have the fused pectoral fins of a true goby.
If anybody in here would like to join a fantasy football league please shoot me a pm or post in my thread (preferable) fishforums fantasy football. 3 spots left.
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