Large Empty Tank And Thinking Of Oscars.....

Oh i lovvvve these guys, remind me so much off channa, hehe, Crenicichla lenticulata, know of someone selling a pair for 150pounds in blackpool,will pm you link,

like a microplete?
Snakeheads are actually a perfect comparison to pikes - its pretty interesting how they have evolved on two different continents that fill a similar predatory niche.

after much thought i have decided against having more oscars.... i think i might just let the tank settle for a while and see what else turns up. i have contacted oddball express about having a group of the Cichlasoma ornatum and they have a few left in stock. still very small so im not sure how long it would be before they get transferred into Keiths tank! they are stunning fish and very hard to obtain normally so i might just take this chance and get some :hyper:

the 2 texas seem to have calmed down a bit but Duce is still being harrassed just not as much :crazy: i would really like to keep 1 of these fish but i just dont think they will be suitable long term :sad: ive had a couple of people interested in them so hopefully they will find a nice new home soon.

i think it will be worth a trip to oddball express just to see the stocking they have at the minute :drool:
Just caught back up with this thread! Here is a cracking guide to pikes! Not all of them are here but there are a good few!
couldnt find Duce (texas) today and looked everywhere for him inside and outside the tank.... i found him under the wood in the catfish cave :hyper: but while he was in there out of the way the tank was quite peacefull. maybe i can keep 1 texas after all :hyper:
he must have gone in there to escape for a while and got stuck :lol: silly fish, or clever fish :unsure: either way im thinking if i removed him the tank might settle now that the other texas has calmed down a bit....

fingers crossed :crazy:
Maybe some more cover you could keep both. Its whether you like nasty tall plastic plants or not, remember what was in my texas tank, its only cheap stuff about £6 for a 20" plant, but it doesnt get ripped up like the silk plants tend to. Now I have just put some more in with mine and its all quiet again (and removing bailey has helped)
Maybe some more cover you could keep both. Its whether you like nasty tall plastic plants or not, remember what was in my texas tank, its only cheap stuff about £6 for a 20" plant, but it doesnt get ripped up like the silk plants tend to. Now I have just put some more in with mine and its all quiet again (and removing bailey has helped)
im not sure it would work as the new texas is constantly hunting Duce down since i let him out of his trap :crazy: i think its only fair to Duce to remove him and see what happens with the other as this one seems to calm down when the only texas in the tank.... Duce didnt calm down when he was the only texas :angry:

im gutted but if it gives me a more peacefull tank then its worth it. :nod:
Duce has now been removed and is currently living with a large JD. my tank now seems to have settled and is happy again :hyper: just the odd chase from the texas on the diadema which is to be expected i guess.....

star i hope you dont mind but my daughter thinks its still Duce in the tank and he was her favorite so the new texas is now called Duce to save any confusion :lol:
ive also sent you a pm ;)
:lol: My boys are the same, all oscars are Rusty fish, except Chops he is just the naughty fish. As far as my boys are concerned Duce is happy in his new tank and being spoilt :crazy:
another trip to wharf aquatics today and didnt come home empty handed as usual :lol:

i have bought a huge 6-7 inch humbug catfish. stunning cat that has spikes running the length of its body :crazy:
i also bought a 6 inch giraffe catfish. now i know these get massive but ill deal with that when it happens. its absolutely stunning :drool:

ill get some pics when they have both settled in :good:
quick update on stocking as its been chopped and changed quite a bit recently :lol:

1 x oscar
1 x diadema
1 x rotkeil severum
1 x gold severum
1 x black ghost knifefish
1 x royal panaque pleco
1 x jaguar catfiah
1 x humbug catfish
1 x giraffe catfish

i have had to remove both texas cichlids as they werent compatable especially when both were in together :crazy: it did calm down for a few days when one was removed but now the remaining texas has taken a disliking to my diadema and has torn all its fins :angry: so the 2nd texas will be removed tomorrow. i am still looking for something to replace the texas and after seeing the uarus at wharf again i might go for one or two of these :drool: after introducing the giraffe catfish (which i know may grow too big for the tank) i have removed the south and central american theme to the tank but im not too bothered about that if im honest as the tank was never meant to be a themed tank just a nice collection of hopefully compatable fish :lol:
once the texas have gone the tank should calm down a bit and the fish can relax again :unsure:
If duce2 is ok with everything except the diadema and you like the texas how about leaving out the diadema swap it for a gt.

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