I like this idea
Yea, i think because of all the various needs, limitations etc it will end up being a simplistic modern wall like this, a 16"clyinder 32" high on the end of a curved kitchen unit for Annes (My wife) goldfish which will be imported from Singapore which is pretty near. And possibly a tropical pond in the floor too with plants and a glass windaow front.
The pond depends on what we think of the safety aspect.
We are on the ground floor and the bedrock is only about 12" below the surface so can dig down to that and build the outer wall for the pond from there up, So could be 2" deep and 8ft diameter easy. Will think about it!
OH, and just to say i like the idea of very thin tanks in terms of width as the water will look very clear. Tanks 18"+ wide can look very mirky very easily. I may opt for much shorter tanks though due to the light penetration/depth thing. Like i have said, low wattage so need to optomise everything for light penetration, easy filtration, things like that.