L_Plates - Shrimp Tank

Sounds good to me, cheers Cazzie.

Just need to wait on all the plants arriving. I have ordered the fissidens from 2 different sources so i will have to leave space for the second batch as it will be next week before i get it.

Oh dear, i keep following these nano journals and try to not follow in peoples footsteps...but i have a November bonus coming up soon and you've planted the seed in my mind to do it :| argh.
:hyper: I am glad of could be of service Tizer !

I have been keeping a spreadsheet of what it has cost me so far to set this tank up. Considering its a 30cm x 30cm it aint cheap !!

I look forward to your journal buddy, hehehehe

Anyone use horse manure as a substrate? I can get loads and cap it off with something! :D might cut the costs! might smell mind :|
Lol your not kidding with the amount of horses your missus has you could save a fortune.

I'd start at 0.7 and go from there :good:

I would be more inclined to use the 1ml or more tbh, the dose recommended is really for lowly stocked tanks (plant mass), usually a good guide is double for medium planted and even triple the dose for heavily planted. With moss been quite a high nutrient feeder and also HC really preferring a good amount of co2 i would be inclined to dose more towards a medium planted tank than a lower dose which is ideal for a lowly planted tank.

Looking forward to this LP :)
Thanks mate, i will have a mull over this and make a decision probably on the day of planting :D

The last thing i want is the HC dying on me as that alone cost me a few bob in cash !

Ok i am hoping to get around to planting tonight if most of the plants arrive.

However i have a small question.

Is it good practice to do daily water changes on this tank to help with the settling of the plants ? If so for how long and what amount would be best to change 40-50% ?

Just had a call, some of the plants have arrived and my new hob filter, perfect timing :)

Good evening Everyone, well today was the day. My new filter and Plants all arrived today ready for when i got home.

Fissidens Fontanus
Narrow Leaf Java Fern
Staurogyne Repens x 2
Alternanthera Rosaefolia Mini
Hemianthus Callitrichoides x 4

So after putting my daughter to bed i could make a start !

So i get the plants unpacked and try to figure out how to go about it.


I can honestly say getting the Hemianthus Callitrichoides ready for planting was harder than i thought it would be. It is such a delicate plant and easy to break !

I am not going to go into to much detail as i know i can waffle on so here are some photos on the tank after i had finished.

Top view showing the Hob Filter

Full tank Shot ( Sort Off )

Closer Shot

And Another

I have had to place a little piece of slate on the wood until it stops trying to float away, im sure you spotted it :)

I am waiting on more Fissidens arriving next week to fill out the area on the left.

All comments are very welcome as always :good:

Finally i would like to thank everyone who has taken part in in this journal and helped me out along the way i really do appreciate it.

Cheers peeps,
you should be very proud of that mate!

This should look great once grown in. :good:
Totally agree with Ian, superb planting job mate and it will look excellent once it's filled out :good:

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