L_Plates - Fishless Cycle Log - Complete

my spraybars on 3/4 of my tanks are all situated like that, i dont see why that would be any issue. Tank looks great! :good:
Evening !

Just thought i would make a quick video of my fish enjoying their weekly treat of freshly hatched live baby brine shrimp :)


Just been to my supplier for my FE Co2 bottles and came back with these.


2 x 5kg Bottles and a 2kg bottle for £20 !

What a guy hehe.

nice one :D inline diffuser in there i see too :good:

I'm still on my first 2kg, been going ages now :D
First one !

So how long at a guess has it been going ?

I have been through a few bottle but i think i have suffered from leaks.

I installed the inline on Monday and they are amazing. I have had to turn down my pressure and bubble count.

Im not too sure really, 4/5 months? :D

nice little bloggy website by the way, i was pondering something similar, but a huge amount of "cant be ar.sed" hit me in the face. :D
4/5 months #41####. I really need to get mine sorted out !

Cheers about the blog. Only started to put it together last night. Need to sort out the options for people creating there own journal on the site. Fancy being a guinea pig for me ? Hehe

I know this is from a few months back, but just stumbled on it when I clicked the link in your signature. My girlfriend is watching some right old tat on the TV, and you just brightened up my Saturday

A right good read, well interesting, and super tank. Thanks a million mate!
Long craft knife blade, like a stanley knife but longer! :D Did it on my old tank too.
Long craft knife blade, like a stanley knife but longer! :D Did it on my old tank too.


Just take your time and be careful with the amount of pressure you use.


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