Well my Kribs finally did it. i noticed about 20 fry outside their cave last night and today when i got home from work, dad had taken the crew for an outing, but there were only 8 left. I assume the rest got eaten. They are in a 120Litre community tank with three african butterfly cichlids (similar to the ram) 1 kissing gourami and a china barb. and 2 rosy tetras. My question is, when would it be ok to move them into their own tank. i have an 18inch tank temporarily set up. The parents are guarding them really well. Any help would be appreciated.
Well my Kribs finally did it. i noticed about 20 fry outside their cave last night and today when i got home from work, dad had taken the crew for an outing, but there were only 8 left. I assume the rest got eaten. They are in a 120Litre community tank with three african butterfly cichlids (similar to the ram) 1 kissing gourami and a china barb. and 2 rosy tetras. My question is, when would it be ok to move them into their own tank. i have an 18inch tank temporarily set up. The parents are guarding them really well. Any help would be appreciated.