Krib Fry..Please help


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Well my Kribs finally did it. i noticed about 20 fry outside their cave last night and today when i got home from work, dad had taken the crew for an outing, but there were only 8 left. I assume the rest got eaten. They are in a 120Litre community tank with three african butterfly cichlids (similar to the ram) 1 kissing gourami and a china barb. and 2 rosy tetras. My question is, when would it be ok to move them into their own tank. i have an 18inch tank temporarily set up. The parents are guarding them really well. Any help would be appreciated.
Personally, I don't think I would move them. I've heard that removing the fry can cause one of the parents to turn aggressive towards it's mate.

Is this the first time they've mated? :dunno:

If so, keep in mind that it can take several trys for the parents to get it right.

I got lucky with my kribs, they raised their first batch, now I'm trying to find homes for 20+ kribs.

I didn't remove mine until the pair was breeding again , at about 4-5 weeks.

What are you feeding them? :dunno:

Here's a good site for kribs:

This is the first proper batch of babies from this pair. They are doing really well so far as far as parenting goes. I opted to move all other tank mates except for a china barb and this other neon looking thing, and they are much more relaxed.
Ive been feeding a frozen block of community food, which looks a little like a beef heart block and also very finely crushed flakes. The parents seem to be chewing up most of their food and feeding them. Thanks for the advice. We'll see how they go from here, fingers crossed.
Any updates on your babies?

I watched my krib's spawn 2 or 3 days ago for the first time. The male is standing guard outside the flower pot while the tiny female tends to the eggs. I haven't looked to see how many eggs or anything yet. I figure it's their first run at it so I won't interfere in any way. They in my 30G and keeping all the other fish at bay without anyone gettong hurt. Their parental instincts in really something to see, ad I don't have free swimming fry yet...

Well all is well in the world of Krib. I have 6 big babies left and boy are they growing fast....They are approx 3 weeks old now. The female still moves the fry into the cave at night. I am just wondering, my female is behaving strangely. She shows off her belly to the male like she wants to breed again, but then in the same day she can be doing the exact opposite. Any Ideas? When can I move the fry..My tank is in deperate need of an overhaul. Thanks
The fry are probably mature enough to be moved to a rearing tank. By the sounds of things, they're going to be in Mom & Dad's way quite soon. Krib's can breed as soon as 3-4 weeks after the first spawn, even if the first fry are still present.

At what point did the Krib fry start to look less like, ummm, "tadpoles" and more like fish? My Fry have been free swimming for 3 or 4 days now. I've got about 30 of the little ones.


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