Questions about Cory Fry/Please help!

Thanks for the response. I am going to try that method of feeding the brine shrimp as you suggested. I also feel better now about adding the live bacteria so I will probably give that a shot too. Thanks!
I tried feeding them the frozen brine shrimp tonight. They smelled the food and went near it but then they would start darting away from it? This is what happened last time. Not sure what is going on?
I tested for amonia and it was in the safe range. Next I used a strip that tests for 9 different things I believe. It was showing nirtite and nitrate and I also had very low alkalinity. The copper was out of range as well. I want to try adding the live bacteria but still a bit hesitant. If I remember right, the shelf life for the live bacteria isn't very long? I think my bottle must be a couple months old at least. I wasn't sure if adding live bacteria could be harmful. If there isn't a high percentage of it back firing, I would love to try adding the live bacteria. I also just added a live plant from the parent tank and they love it. Most of them swarmed right to it and are still hanging around it.
Safe range for ammonia and nitrites is 0,0 !!
I tried feeding them the frozen brine shrimp tonight. They smelled the food and went near it but then they would start darting away from it? This is what happened last time. Not sure what is going on?
Buy decapsulated brineshrimp eggs, soak a portion and feed.

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