Kkaannee's Juwel Rio 300 - Upgrade

I tried to scan back through the thread but maybe missed it....What do you have planted at the center of the wood?
That's narrow java FF, microsorum pteropus narrow :good:
Oh perfect, it's lovely. I had java fern at one point but it was shipped with spikes starting and I was a noob, so I tossed it :crazy: Haven't seen that variety around, it highlights your would nicely there.
Actually I just remembered its a combo of narrow and normal java, to be honest they look the same so im guessing that were actually labelled wrongly, so yeah I think its all narrow. I actually think narrow leaf is one of my fav plants, especially under shimmering LED type lighting, it has an amazing colour and shape :good:

I've tossed my fair share of plants from not-knowing, we all do it lol, maybe you could get some online...
So its been about four days since the fry were born now, they all seem to be growing ever so slightly, need to get some proper food for them, my feeding attempts have failed so far, tiger barbs are almost impossible to hide food from, I need to get a baster!

Makes me want some Kribs. Are they chunky like Bolivian rams or more like Apistos? I haven't seen them in person.
These fish are really beautiful! I once raised normal kribensis fry during the first weeks by putting a lot of java moss in so they could eat the infusoria.

Im guessing these are normal actually, but yeah they seem to be picking at all sorts around the tank like moss and my bba lol, i managed to get some food to them last night while lights were out :) parents are doing so well considering the barbs, about 20 fry still remain
Makes me want some Kribs. Are they chunky like Bolivian rams or more like Apistos? I haven't seen them in person.

I never fancied gettim kribs before, but I bought these after getting my barbs, they are a good match and As i love dwarf cichs but dont have the water they are the best match, they have suprised me alot, i love them, more personality than gbrs and apistos but less bulshy than bolivians. Size wise, they are just a bit bigger than apistos, but mine are not fully grown yet, just as colourful too

what a great pic! :good:

Cheers Ian :)
Thanks! My tank seems a bit similar to yours and I liked the way your kribs looked in there. Try not to copy you to much :) Can't have the java fern as it isn't south american. Too bad really.
I didn't know you was doing a biotope? They're cool but the limits annoy me sometimes, plus kribs are african :lol:
Oh well. I meant my tank "plan" seems similar, branching wood and Vallis behind. Dwarf sag. in front. I didn't research into Kribs to find their origins yet. Bummer. I could always pop some in my other tank then.

Are there 2 types of Vallis there? One has a curl to the right?
Oh yeah,

Erm, do you mean the vallis that's bent over? Its just pushed over by the filter outlet, as its quite long

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