Hello BigC! Been a long time since I have been here, and when I return, what do I find but a 6 month old thread that you have started on killies still at the top of the heap! Good job, man!
In response to your original question, as you know I do keep a few killies. I am very fortunate to have a breeder who supplies my LFS with a fairly decent variety of some really pretty killies. I have kept some Aphyosemion australe "orange", Fundulopanchax gardneri albino, Nothobranchius rachovii, Fundulopanchax sjostedti, and Epiplatys sexfasciatus. All supplied to my LFS through one breeder. An 80 some year old man, who used to be very active locally back in the day when there was an aquarium society functioning in the city....it will be a sad day when he is no longer around or able to supply us. I have tried, unsuccessfully for the most part, to breed these same fish. My few successes have come from the australes and gardneris. Our water here is just too hard for breeding. Recently I discussed this with the guys at the LFS....one of them had been to this guys house, and described the set up that he was running. Has some sort of collection system for rainwater and uses that for his killies and does excellent with them. Still haven't got all the plans set up yet, but this is what I am hoping to try myself. I know it can be done!
I've been in this hobby for more than 40 of my 47 years now. As a kid, I would buy any aquarium magazine or book that I could get my hands on. Guppies and bettas were my big thing back then, but I would see these pictures of various species of killies and go "oooh" and "aaahh", but they were never available in my local shops. When I finally was able to find some a few years ago, I literally stood guard at the tank that I found them in and waited for an employee to come by to net my fish out. There was "no way" that I was going to let these fish be snatched up by someone else.....they were the absolute prettiest fish I had ever seen (australes), and I had to have them. Anyone who hasn't kept them....pictures do not do these fish justice.
Well, I could ramble on here forever about these fish, but I won't. Good to see that you are still around, BigC...keep up the good work!
Best fishes,