Kane's Nano............

Few new additions just out of bags about 20 mins and a couple of zoa shots.....


male mithrax


getting tucked into the algae


Flame scallop settling in


red bush coral


strong coloured branch i fragged off on purchase


armour of gods settled in


red zoas, spreading already
Flame scallops are a lot cheaper than clams, etc and often easier to maintain. They prefer lower lighting levels and often hide in darker areas of a tank. Unlike clams these guys are fully mobile and can "swim" around the tank by opening and closing their shells in a form of jet propulsion.
Require phyto and zoo plankton for feeding like any filter feeder. Two species pop up regularily, the best one having a flashing neon blue strip along the edge of their mantles behind the red tentacles.
Peaceful tank inhabitants that may be nipped at by dwarf angels and other "picky" species....
Thanks for that Buddy, just been off having a look as well - seems they can be rather difficult to keep and need spot feeding but they often hide away in the darkest part of the tank so you can't find them to spot feed :crazy: is this your experience?

Seffie x

When adding plankton to tanks I normally turn off the skimmer for an hour and simply allow the current to carry it to anyone feeding on it. Do like darker areas or lying in caves,etc..especially if paniced by other tank mates. Last one i had survived for over 2 years before stripping down the tank.

Like most shellfish and mollusc they can be hit and miss..lose more algae snails than many others..either to rogue crabs or being starved out in lfs, stockists before buying due to lack of feeding. Costing between £10/15 , even cheaper sometimes, one deffo worth trying..
More of a pulser so far Ste...only started to show mantle earlier until disturbed by goby showering it in sand...goby may be going shortly I think!!!!

Amazing pictures and corals! Looks incredible with the blue actinic

Thanx Dave, as said earlier on thread is only a cheap little chinese resun tank with very cheap lighting...tubes are more blue than actinic but really give off great colours at night.
Just shows you can achieve great things without using the best lighting etc.
Well done Kane!


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