Kane's Nano............

She is a little female devil, males of the fijian sub species have a black line across the top of their dorsels.. Yes devils can be nasty , but this fijian morph is not as bad as its other name sakes
Have kept them many times over the last 30 years and find them less aggressive than lots of others. This is not to say they are not terratorial and a little pugnacious...but they are damsels after all,lol.....
My new baby dwarf fuzzy.....



Only 2.5 cm at minute, feeding on defrost mysis shrimps..
Baby settled in his den and growing fast..............



Couple of shots of Baby....................




Definately recommend buying these little guys as young as possible, so much easier to wean onto frozen foods and cuts out the need for live feeding.
This little guy has to be rationed now as i swear he will burst someday,lol......
Now isn't that a cute little blighter.
How does this species fair with members of it's own kind, corals and other tank inhabitants and inverts. Bud
Good to see you around again
are these ok in a 14 gallon i used to have mine in my 14 gal (lfs advise) and then i moved it to my 100gallon and he loves it
Like any fish they more space they have the better..as he matures a new tank will be set up for him...speed he's growing it wont be long,lol....

Yep colin these little guys are crustacean specialists so not too be kept with small crabs and especially not with shrimp. Have been known to take very small fish, especially if fed on young fish before weaning onto frozen, so again if it fits in his mouth...Avoid It!!!!
Will not disturb any corals , even when perched on them they tend to hover slightly off the surface.
Males carry 5/6 or more brown rings on their pectorals and have heavier set heads than females. Females carry 4/6 rings and have more delicate, finer faces.
Males can hit up to 17cm while the females, again are slightly smaller.
DO NOT GET STUNG!!!!!!...it really hurts,lol......
New zoas added and a plating monti .....


armour of god zoas (much more metallic pink , as usual the camera misses the true colour)


bought as red zoas (also more red and purple), with two yellow polyp passengers


It hasn't...yet,lol
Been stung in the past by a fu manchu and really dont reccomend it, causes a lot of swelling and intense pain for a few days
so do i,lol...only seems to have settled there since I fragged his favourite medusa earlier and it has retracted now. Hopefully returns to it once re opened.

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