Kane's Nano............

I agree with the sun coral looking good. Can't wait to get one. This forum is going to cost me a fortune :shifty:
Pick up small colonies for arond £30 in lfs over here..secret with these guys is to feed, feed, feed,lol...
I feed heavily 2 to 3 times a week and the top one in nano now has well over 80 heads and a second layer of young heads underneath these in about 3 months from purchase
Totally unexpected new arrivals...


Thanx again Colin..made his day!!
Lol Gary..he's got a knack for this..came out of lfs on last trip with 5 loose mushrooms and 2 zoa frags...FREE!!!!!!!
Think lady that owns shop has a crush on him,lol...not bad for being 9, pmsl
Yet..still wont type on here, gets his pet slave to do it!!!

Looks like the fijian has met her match too..tried throwing it about with the newbies and quickly got put in her place by momma clown! That'll teach her,lol...
All quiet on the nano front today..damsel learned her place, even if in there longest,lol...
Need to get something now for the clowns to host as they seem lost yet, more importantly, female is taking a shine to my sun coral and that is a definate no no !!!!
May try the hairy mushroom route, as mainly mushies and zoas in there now, but we'll see,lol........
might be worth a try, though they were hosting a pussy for Colin..so may take to the medusa when it re opens now that it has attached after my scalpel attack,lol...
Thanx Tina..may take him up on the offer..your rhodactus are stunners but..love the colour!!
So far the female is happy with a small frag of medusa but not truely settled. Think they will move with the fuzzy to a new tank soon as 5 fish in this little 14gal nano is a bit much and my plan is to add a male fijian damsel for breeding. Like many damsels these little gems aren't the hardest to spawn.
Getting a lovely hairy mushroom on friday, which I hope the clowns will host in. Tina suggested it & she loves her & I found a nice one. Just got to deside where to put him.
Clowns now settled in and taken over the nano, slapping the fijian devil into place, and now deciding whether to host the medusa coral or the new polyp tree he added....


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