Just Got...

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no i have
1 platy
3 male guppys
1 catfish thing
1 serpae tetra
1 x ray tetra
In your other thread titled "FAO anyone who has neon tetras" You have said "I wish I could get them" but in this thread under the fish you have listed you say you have 6, did you get these today aswell?
You guys! I feel like a gosh dang parent!
You have to be nice, I know personally when I see a fish say, at petco, Its either buy it now or wait a month or so.
I dont get the chance to go to any pet shop very often, and when I do its because I've got a fish in mind, or because we were close to one while we were already out, so I got to run in.
I know I certianly didn't plan out my 55G, but its worked out great so far.
I tried planning it out, but, lets face it.
Its much easier to see the fish you want in real life before you plan the whole tank out.
Its hard running back and forth from the pet shops, especially when you cant drive, and you live in the middle of suburbia.
My point is you can't get mad at someone because they didn't do it your way.
Have you not had a look at any other threads from bettas though? He is over stocked & also his tank is not cycled yet! He is told not to add any more fish yet (as his keep dying) but he doesn't listen! Just look at how he has said he wants neon tetras in this thread but in the other he says he has them!
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