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Oct 15, 2005
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peltobagrus ornatus
anyone have info on this

oh this sounds like there scientific name whats there real name
By doing a Google search, I found 4 sites that referenced them. It is a catfish (I'm sure you already knew that though) but I'm not sure what type. None mentioned a common name though.
I loked up google and didn't find much, only one website showing it is a shoaling fish that needs at least 5 gallons.... not much info there
One of the sites I found showed pics and it looks to be a big fish. It was bigger than the oscar. I would post the link but it is to another forum and I don't want to break any rules. If you do a google search for "peltobagrus ornatus", you should find 4 sites, all in German. Click the "translate this page" link and it will open in English. I think it was the 1st or 2nd one.
ok hanks i got it
that doesent look like him
well i didnt know i was going to get it

Then why on earth did you buy it? :angry:

I can pretty much guess its one of the Bagridae family, just a question of which. Ornatus is the best link, the first bit is a type of bagrid but no ornatus in there... any of these?


Thats the only 'ornatus' I could find and all the pelteobagrus's.

EDIT- Ah-ha, modernhamlets was the one I was looking for... I knew I'd heard the name before!
are these common fissh.i have never seen one before
why do you keep on foing this?
you're always asking for advice after the fact!

people keep telling you the same thing over and over all the time and you keep doing what you want and then ask for advice when something goes wrong.
Nothing yet, though I seriously doubt they'll live unless some of the fish you had before have died. What's your stocking at right now?

The fish sold as Peltobagrus ornatus is more than likely Hyalobagrus flavus as mentioned before. Common name for them is Shadow Catfish. They will stay small, so you're lucky there. How many of them did you get? You'll need a shoal of at least 4, preferable 5. In your 15G, this means that if you did indeed get those harlequins as well, you're absolutely fully stocked. Then again, we've told you this a lot of times already, and you have yet to listen to it.

Rather than posting all info here, you can read it yourself on this website (url completely typed out for you, seeing as you can't ever seem to get it working if it's not):


Next time, look at the fish you think is pretty, write down the name, go home and research them first, and only then go back to the shop to actually buy them. If you're worried about them selling when they're gone, ask the person in the shop to hold them back for you and say you'll give them a ring before the end of the day to let them know whether you can house them or not.
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