Just Got Fish!


New Member
Apr 29, 2011
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I'm a new member. I just bought my fish today and I thought I should join a forum so I can ask about issues with my fish and much information that could help me to keep them fit and healthy :)

I have a 35 Litre tank with, working filter.
3 healthy fancy goldfish.
Chose those ones because I felt guilty about separating them :sad:

I know they grow up to 18cm in a proper sized tank for them.
I'll get a bigger tank when I see signs of them lacking space.

Is there anything I can do besides feed them, water changes and cleaning their tank to keep them healthy in their brand new tank?
Well, apart from the fact your tank is way too small (fancy goldfish need 40l each with a minimum tank size of 100l) your tank isn't cycled.

That means you have none of the good bacteria growing in your filter to process the poisonous fish wasters into less poisonous substances.

This, in turn means that you'll be having to keep the poisonous ammonia down yourself with water changes. You may need to do more than one water change a day with such a small tank, as the ammonia will build up very quickly (goldifsh are very messy fish). You'll need some dechlorinator and a test kit for ammonia so you can tell when it's reaching dangerous levels.

Have a read of the articles in the beginner's resource center (link is in my sig at the bottom of my post).

You really must either re-home the fish or get a larger tank. Fish kept in too small a tank just won't grow; they'll get sick and die before they have a chance...
A tank that size is suitable only for small, tropical fish, not for goldies.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but welcome to the forum anyway; you're in the best place to get some decent advice so you can have happy, healthy fish :good:
Well, apart from the fact your tank is way too small (fancy goldfish need 40l each with a minimum tank size of 100l) your tank isn't cycled.

That means you have none of the good bacteria growing in your filter to process the poisonous fish wasters into less poisonous substances.

This, in turn means that you'll be having to keep the poisonous ammonia down yourself with water changes. You may need to do more than one water change a day with such a small tank, as the ammonia will build up very quickly (goldifsh are very messy fish). You'll need some dechlorinator and a test kit for ammonia so you can tell when it's reaching dangerous levels.

Have a read of the articles in the beginner's resource center (link is in my sig at the bottom of my post).

You really must either re-home the fish or get a larger tank. Fish kept in too small a tank just won't grow; they'll get sick and die before they have a chance...
A tank that size is suitable only for small, tropical fish, not for goldies.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but welcome to the forum anyway; you're in the best place to get some decent advice so you can have happy, healthy fish :good:

I do have a water dechlorinator, I used it before I put the fish it. The day before I got my fish.

With my tank I had 2 filter cartridges. One Bio-clear and one Bio-carb.
Bio-clear, It says on the packet it absorbs toxic ammonia. The Bio-carb, it removes pollutants and odours.

The fish advisor at the fish store said that my tank will last at least a year before replacing the tank with a much bigger one. He advised 45 Litres so there's also more space in the tank for the fish to move freely.

Oh and thank you for the link I'm sure to keep that in my bookmarks whenever I need some info :)
I wouldn't rely on the bio clear to properly absorb ammonia; invest in a test kit so you can check for yourself.

There is no way that your tank is suitable for those fish for a year; fish are like most living things (well, animals anyway; I guess trees are different!) in that they do nearly all their growing in the first few months of life. By the time they look too big for the tank (if they haven't died by then) they will already be stunted and it'll be too late.

Believe me, we see people on here every day that have been given misleading, misguided or just plain wrong 'advice' from fish shops.

Goldfish need bigger tanks than you have, and if you don't give them what they need they will not stay healthy. The people in shops are there to get you to buy stuff, we are here to help you and share our experience.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but honestly, you're headed for a whole world of trouble (you're the second person today that I've had to go through this with...*sighs*)
I might as well sell my friend my 35L after I get a 40 or 45L tank then.

Since he does want fish anyway.
It's just a shame that I've spent money on a tank that isn't big enough for the fish I wanted in the first place.

Wish I had thought of joining a forum sooner to avoid this 'now a problem'

These fish are about a month old. How long roughly do I have to get another tank before they begin to grow quickly?
They'll be growing quickly now. Our pond goldfish get to four or five inches in the same year they hatch...fancies grow a little bit slower, but not much.

You really need a 120l tank for your three now so they have the space to grow.

I know it is awful the advice fish shops give out, it really is when they should know better :grr:

I'd advise your friend to buy a heater for the 35l and have some nice, clean little tropicals! Or you could take the goldies back to where you got them, kick up a stink, and swap them for a heater and have trops yourself; they're much, much easier.

Do please have a read of the 'fishless' and 'fish-in' cycling threads in that link though, as you'll have to do a cycle one way or the other whatever fish or tank you have.
Unfortunatly like many of us we have trusted a business. At the end of the day we here have nothing too gain from your miss fortune so why would we lie.

I did this myself. Alot of us have. :( and i have lost many fish at the start of this hobby becuase i trusted the "Pro" at the fish shop.

You do need to get a bigger tank, And you need too look up "Fish in" Cycling in the Beginners section here on the forums, YOu will be doing daily water changes, If you listen too us we can get you clued up pretty fast.

Good luck. Keep us posted :) Lets see some pics of the fish anyway ;)
They'll be growing quickly now. Our pond goldfish get to four or five inches in the same year they hatch...fancies grow a little bit slower, but not much.

You really need a 120l tank for your three now so they have the space to grow.

I know it is awful the advice fish shops give out, it really is when they should know better :grr:

I'd advise your friend to buy a heater for the 35l and have some nice, clean little tropicals! Or you could take the goldies back to where you got them, kick up a stink, and swap them for a heater and have trops yourself; they're much, much easier.

Do please have a read of the 'fishless' and 'fish-in' cycling threads in that link though, as you'll have to do a cycle one way or the other whatever fish or tank you have.

120L for 3 fancy goldfish? Seems a bit TOO big.

I heard and read tropicals are alot harder and more expensive to look after. Due to needing the filter and heater on 24/7 (unless you turn it off in extreme hot weather?)

I'm pretty sure the store that sold me my fish won't take them back for sure. Not even a refund.
I got my tank about 2 weeks ago. I'm pretty sure they won't take back a 'used' tank either.

This has turned out to be a total mess for me right now :(
They'll be growing quickly now. Our pond goldfish get to four or five inches in the same year they hatch...fancies grow a little bit slower, but not much.

You really need a 120l tank for your three now so they have the space to grow.

I know it is awful the advice fish shops give out, it really is when they should know better :grr:

I'd advise your friend to buy a heater for the 35l and have some nice, clean little tropicals! Or you could take the goldies back to where you got them, kick up a stink, and swap them for a heater and have trops yourself; they're much, much easier.

Do please have a read of the 'fishless' and 'fish-in' cycling threads in that link though, as you'll have to do a cycle one way or the other whatever fish or tank you have.

120L for 3 fancy goldfish? Seems a bit TOO big.

I heard and read tropicals are alot harder and more expensive to look after. Due to needing the filter and heater on 24/7 (unless you turn it off in extreme hot weather?)

I'm pretty sure the store that sold me my fish won't take them back for sure. Not even a refund.
I got my tank about 2 weeks ago. I'm pretty sure they won't take back a 'used' tank either.

This has turned out to be a total mess for me right now :(

Please dont tell me you turn your filter off on your tank now? You should NEVER EVER turn your filter off expect during water changes!!! I cant stress that enough.

Small tropicals are alot easier too keep than coldwater fancies. Much less mess and generally alot nicer too be around :) You dont need to take your tank back just the fish, Then trade them for a heater. and get some small tropic's like neon tetra's or some Guppies or something.

They will give you a refund if you kick up a fuss about wrong information and so on. Trust me ;)

Your heater also stays on 24/7 it turns itself on and off as the temp gets warmer or colder.
Oh god no! I haven't water changed yet and I wouldn't of turned my filter off anyway! :p

I'm not much of a person who kicks up a fuss.
Maybe my parents.

I'll need to have to speak to my parents tomorrow and see what they think.

Feels so bad taking my fish back. They've only just gone into the tank and they look pretty happy :(

It's a shame they'll be taken back to that shop and possibly becoming a victim in another tank :sad:
If you dont want too return them, Then why not keep them and buy a bigger tank, The abve was right you do need around 120ltr for these guys to be happy.

And this way you can have a nice setup, And maybe get some White Cloud Mountain minnow's in with them too give them some tank mates and fill it out a little :) lovely little fish.
120L for 3 fancy goldfish? Seems a bit TOO big.

I don't think you've fully compehended how big these fish can grow...I know you said you know they can grow to 18 cms, but it's not just a question of lenghth; these are very, very bulky fish.


Do you still think 120l is TOO big?
Wow,i didn`t realise they got that big!
Sorry to butt in somebody elses thread,but i`ve got a 28l tank with 4 glowlight tetra ,3 corries and 2 shrimp in,also was wrongly advised at pet shop,[told to just leave tank for three days then add fish in weekly stages,also told by other pet supplies that if i added liquid bacteria ,i could add fish the same day which i did ,neither mentioned cycling to me!]
It`s been over five weeks now since my tank has been set up ,and i`m still doing 50 percent water changes ,sometimes twice daily,as the ammonia level wavers between 0.25 -0.50,i`ve also lost 1 corry ,so i also wish i`d joined this forum first.Also when i first bought the tank i was advised by both outlets that 12 fish were fine for a 28l tank!! Good luck ,by the way and welcome to the forum :hi:
120L for 3 fancy goldfish? Seems a bit TOO big.

I don't think you've fully compehended how big these fish can grow...I know you said you know they can grow to 18 cms, but it's not just a question of lenghth; these are very, very bulky fish.


Do you still think 120l is TOO big?

With the help of that picture I would definitely say my tank is too small for 3.
I used a ruler. About 18cm (180mm) would take up at least half of the length of the tank.

I may need to think this through.. and decide what I need to do.
But there's no way in my area I could find a 120L aquarium for my little guys (eventually big guys) to stay in.

Little worried now, was so excited to get fish. Then it turns into alot of trouble for myself :unsure: .

Maisy, I'm sorry about your loss.
ALSO, fluttermoth what is the size of that tank? (if it is yours)
No, sorry, it's not my tank; I don't keep goldies any more (except in my mum's pond)

I would want a 48" x 15" x 18" tank for three goldies.

Honestly; if you haven't got the space for a larger tank, take the goldies back, buy a heater and get some tropical fish; you could have a lovely male betta (Siamese fighting fish) plus a few rasboras and some freshwater shrimp in a tank your size

Tropical fish are not more difficult or expensive. As an example, I've got a key meter that tells me how much money's worth of electric I'm using. I was out for an hour the other day and I'd used 8p; and that was with 5 tanks; three 4 footers and two 2 footers, plus my son had the TV, his PS3 and the stereo going.

If your tank is in a warm-ish room you'll be using literally pence a week.

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