Just Bought A 5000g Tank

I would definitely put some rays and other large exotic fish - then I would call myself an aquarium and charge admission (all fees going to the huge maintenance costs, of course :lol: )
maybe 10x altum angels
200x congo tetras
200x dwarf neon rainbows
200x rummy nose tetra's
200x cories
handful of nice fancy plecs

Sounds cool! Though, I would also heavilly plant it; loads of bogwood! Make it into an Amazonian Biotope (though, you'll have to ditch the rainbows and Congos!)

Oh yeah I forgot the cories and rainbows...definitely would be an amazing tank to have all these fish plus discus and have it heavily planted. It would be an *almost* Amazonian biotope :lol:
That really jacked me of when there was no big tank lol.. I was like cool, a red tail cat -o dam :angry:

Good one though :shifty:
iod say get a bunch of monsters.like get
shovel nose cats
giant gourami
maybe some large cichlids.the list is endless with a tank that size
I'd make a glass house, secure it down to the bottom, and live in it. And I would stock it with 5,000 neon tetra.
im quite surprised how many ppl would stick with small fish in a huge tank like this! each to there own i suppose :lol:
im quite surprised how many ppl would stick with small fish in a huge tank like this! each to there own i suppose :lol:

People say that though, even though they have never kept large fish lol.I imagine people would get bored with small fish after the first few weeks :blink: I would put a load of massive freshwater catfish in there, pacus and others.Anything which grows over like 3ft haha

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