Jungle Clearing

Yeah I got a larger bottle of TPN+ coming tomorrow hopefully, ordered it from green machine on wednesday, so I'll up the dode from 5ml daily to 7 0r 8ml daily and see how it goes, I'm gonna let it get to the surface before trimming this time then I'll keep chopping the top inch off and hopefully it will gradually bush out lower down. :)
The day is coming very soon when I can order the list

Hemianthus Callitrichoides
Heteranthera Zosterfolia
Pogostemon Erectus
2x Staurogyne SP
2x Didiplis Diandra
2x Red Myriophylum

Been thinking of getting some Limnophila Aromatica to replace the green Ambulia in the back of my tank, what do you think? I wonder if it will be too much red???
Right well after getting the hump with the rocks and their algae in the tank I decided to get rid of them in favour of a large piece of bogwood I've had for ages (currently soaking it) and have a clear out before the new plants come. Here's a pic, I think it looks loads better just without the rocks to be honest. :)

Looking good, don't like the moss balls tho, should look great with the bog wood and when your new plants are in and established.
Thanks :) I'm not a fan of them either but they're only in there till the rest of the plants turn up.
Right, soaked the bog wood for a while and cut it in half, got the Anubias which was on the rock growing on one piece now and put the other piece in to fill some space. I think it looks pretty good, also moved the Rotala as soon the rest of the plants will be in and I needed to make a little space.



How's the moss wall coming? My only concern is that your stems are kind of blocking the light and you won't get even growth on the wall. When I did my wall, stems were places farther forward so light would penetrate to the bottom of the wall.

Otherwise, it is coming along really well.
Well to be honest its a very dark green but none has died yet, the pic doesn't do it justice at all they were all taken on my iPhone and the quality is very poor. But as moss doesn't require much light so hoping it will be ok, if the stems block it all out and it starts dying I'll move it to my 32litre I think. I'm getting £50 worth of plants from green machine very soon and it will nearly fill the tank completely so if they block it out I may as well move it to another tank anyway or I'll never see it lol. :)

Just had a close look and it has bright green tips on all of it, so it is growing just very slowly. :)
Right, lucky me I got £60 to spend online on plants today,
here's the list I bought:

From Green Machine:

HC Cuba (potted)
Heteranthera Zosterfolia (potted)
Pogostemon Erectus (potted)
2x Staurogyne SP (potted)

From Plants Alive:

10x Didiplis Diandra
10x Red Myriophylum
10x Limnophila Aromatica

Can't wait for it all to arrive lol, so excited. Will be everything I'm adding bar the Galaxy Rasbora at a later date but then I'm gonna let it all grow in and look amazing hopefully.
Right, new update, after checking out AC's yeast CO2 experiment I decided to give that a go, after a mess up with the first bottle I now have it running on one bottle (ready for the 2nd bottle to be added tomorrow). The Nutrafin ladder wasn't so good as the pressure was to much for the pipe to handle so I've added an airstone under the ladder and the diffusion is pretty much perfect with 30 - 40BPM.

10x Didiplis Diandra, 10x Red Myriophylum & 10x Limnophila Aromatica turned up yesterday. Got them in and planted, but the Myriophylum had been folded over so needed a day to straighten up towards the light. Also added some Hornwort in place of the Ambulia Aquatica and some Java Fern to the bogwood on the left which has been moved around to show it better as most of it was hidden. Added 2 Khuli Loaches to clean up a little round the roots as well cos my hose wont get down there without sucking up a bucket load of sand. Just waiting on the potted HC Cuba, Heteranthera Zosterfolia, Pogostemon Erectus & 2x Staurogyne SP from The Green Machine. Here's a few updated pics looking lovely, shame you can't see the moss wall now lol, if you scroll up to the last pic I added you can see how well its grown with the new CO2, any opinions welcome guys and girls.





Come on people I need some opinions lol, I'm starting to wonder if it looks cr*p and people just don't wanna say lol.
The tank is looking very nice. The only thing I would do is to remove the red plant and the stringy plant next to it and change it for a broader green leaf plant :good:
I'm not gonna get rid of the Red Myriophyllum lol, its just gone in there lol. Thing is I do like a bit of colour other than just green, hence the Limnophila Aromatica for a bit of purple and the Rotala for some more red. The stringy Hornwort in the middle is just to fill a space till the last of the plants from Green Machine turn up is all, it will soon be out lol. Soon as the HC and Staurogyne arrive it will be much greener at the front too hopefully.

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