Journey To The Salty Side

I'd say go for it, it's a good price, and getting it from somebody that has had it for a while means that it is probably well established, which is a good upside.
he runs his own operation. the pet stores buy from him. im kinda ecstatic. :hyper:
heres is the tanks first pic :hyper:

i know it isnt the best pic but it shows all of the live rock. i managed to give one damsel to a friend and tell my mother that it died. the other one i still have but i am trying to figure out what to do.
here it is.

it seems to be in perfect health.
my lfs tested my water and said that my ammonia was ok. also i got some more live rock. one piece came with a lot of caulerpa on it. is this good? or should i take it out?
Pull it off, it needs to be lit 24/7 to stop it going asexual - you dont want that happening, I can tell you :p

Do you have the correct amount of live rock now? How long was it out of water on transfer?

Seffie x
Pull it off, it needs to be lit 24/7 to stop it going asexual - you dont want that happening, I can tell you :p

Do you have the correct amount of live rock now? How long was it out of water on transfer?

Seffie x
i have about 13 pounds. it was all he had :sad: . it wasnt ever really out of the water because i brought a bucket. :D
update: i have somewhere around 47 pounds of live rock now. one piece that i bought yesterday has a pink tipped anemone on it. i also bought a firefish goby and a dragon goby. i think that the goby is really a striped sandsifter goby but i just went by what the lfs said.for the 3 days previous my ammonia was 0. my ph was 8.3. my nitrite was 0-0.5. the nitrate was 0. am i able to get corals now.
ps. i got rid of that blue damsel seffie. :lol:
You shouldn't have nitrite, you sure you havnt got mixed up somewhere?
Yes in s cycled tank ammonia and nitrite should be 0 and nitrate should be the only one that changes...
If I ever get a reading on ammonia or nitrite (even a small one) I always retest just in case.
i retested yesterday and today. i think i switched nitrate and nitrite :blush: . because it tested 0 today and nitrate tested .5
i retested yesterday and today. i think i switched nitrate and nitrite :blush: . because it tested 0 today and nitrate tested .5

That sounds better. Like previously said, Ammonia and nitrIte should always be zero. As should phosphate also. In my opinion NitrAtes under 10 is fine. Regular water changes and not over feeding should keep it low.

Not sure if you said you had algae. If so are you sure its not green hairy algae. If it is then get it off as it spreads like wildfire and can completely over run the tank. One good thing about it tho is that it soaks up nitrAtes and Phosphates but if it gets disturbed or starts to die back then it can release all those nitrates and phosphates back in to the tank.

Like seffie said i'd recommend you remove it asap. I had a...Ahem!..SMALL amount in my tank lol, I just removed the rock and scrubbed it in used tank water and added phosphate remover in as filter media.
i took it out awhile back. and it wasnt green hairy algae.
update: i purchased some button polyps today from a man who was taking down his tank. he sold it to me for $5. it looks really healthy. water tests are doing just fine. i bought a 10000k light. it should do until my light system comes in. also i have a few spots of brown slimy stuff on the sand and rocks. i am thinking maby diatoms.
i am thinking of getting some more fish. i particularly like clowns :blush: . i am a newby so which is better( easier to keep) a percula or an occelaris.

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