Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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lol. this was when i first got him... he was shy... scared.... layed on his side when he saw me. i was truly worried i had the only shy oscar in the world. :lol:


lets see.... it's been almost exactly three months since I bought him and he is now about 5 inches
:lol: The joy of Oscar keeping, things will only get worse Remz :)

After the problems you had when you first got him though, its lovely to see him healthy and happy :D
I've really tried my utmost to get them to breed, feeding them expensive foods and regular water changes and delaying the handover (to Tony) and what is the thanks I get..... They go and damnwill breed in his tank (3 days after handing them over) pics below!!....





One Convict moving on thin Ice

One lonely female seperated from her Family.

I have so many posts that I owe a reply to regarding these two, I appologize for the repetition, but I'm soooooo excited
Ah thats fantastic news, shame they didnt do the deed for you, but it must mean they are happy in their new home and at least you still get to see them regularly, any excuse to go for a drink eh? :D
Ah thats fantastic news, shame they didnt do the deed for you, but it must mean they are happy in their new home and at least you still get to see them regularly, any excuse to go for a drink eh? :D

Off course, I secured my interest in them, the eggs belong to me, but since they've chosen such a large rock, I'll only remove once they hatch (if they do) cause the eggs look very white to me already.... Unless Oscar eggs are white???? I don't know.....
:lol: The joy of Oscar keeping, things will only get worse Remz :)

After the problems you had when you first got him though, its lovely to see him healthy and happy :D
Oh i know... :rolleyes: ... I'm anxiously awaiting the part where he turns into a big lazy bum :p

I'm really happy that I was able to nurse him back to health... or am i? lol

hehe and hes still a sweet innocent babie, just wait :crazy:
is that a red/midas?
Yeah, I was very humbled a couple weeks ago with I saw some 12" + oscars at a lfs. What they were doing there I don't know, but I estimated one of them at 14" using my arm :eek:. Unfortunately, 2 out of 4 had HITH and they weren't being kept in a tank larger than 75ish gallons.

The other fish is a "blood parrot"... as labeled at petsmart. I was skeptical, as he is certainly not the same as "blood red parrots". I ran some searches on google images and came across a couple photos being consistent with "blood parrot". Petsmart quite consistently has "Blood Parrots" with a mix of black, grey, and some orange-ish coloring lately. I figured he was some sort of severum hybrid.... i have no idea. My gf is the only reason he has a home with me :lol:. she said if I got an oscar, this had to be his companion. after their isolated treatment (from a pleco that brought disease into the tank), they lip locked and the oscar soon became king of the tank. couldn't risk keeping him in there, so he had to be moved.

Plz enlighten me if you have any ideas of what he might be :lol:. I can provide some recent pics too.

I've really tried my utmost to get them to breed, feeding them expensive foods and regular water changes and delaying the handover (to Tony) and what is the thanks I get..... They go and damnwill breed in his tank (3 days after handing them over) pics below!!....
I can't believe it finally happened after you gave them up :lol:. Wow.... At least you made it happen though. :good:
As far as my knowledge with oscar breeding, those eggs are not fertilized.
Just an update. Re-designed Pumba's tank earlier today. Really was hoping to change his territory a bit and give the pleco some more places to hide. The pleco hasn't caught much of a break yet :lol:

Regardless, I'm pretty happy with the outcome. Pumba sulked for about 10 minutes and then went on a "patrolling" spree.



so 4 feet long.

60% water changes weekly and 7x turnover (just some relevant info)
up for id:

Still a young'n

newer pics:


i can get some close-ups if needed. The pics are old and not "fish specific". these pics should be enough to ID him though. My angels are growing much faster than he is.

Personality: Hides quite a bit.... dominant fish in the tank... comes out only during feeding or when I am not moving around the room. Shreds pants and moves rocks 24/7 (aka cichlid :lol:)
oh i see wooh looks like a parrot and looks like a midas must be a parrot/midas,,strange but long as your happy with it :blink: :good:
he certainly wouldn't have been my first choice :lol:
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