Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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You tease us Ludwig with promises of pics of shelagh and then you hold out on us ........tut tut :rolleyes:

Nelly - cat and bag springs to mind, time to fess up :lol:
Got Oscar's new tankmate last friday. Decided it was better to get him sooner rather than try to introduce them later.

Stupidly let the mrs name him, so now was have Oscar &..... wait for it..... Wilde

How original.

He's a top looking Red.

Will try to get some pics tonight and get them online.
is this where i hand in my oscar club number? :( i wont be needing it after this evening :(
ohhhhhhhh im from st helens bout 20 mins away
will get on to the other halfs case lol
scot :)
is this where i hand in my oscar club number? :( i wont be needing it after this evening :(

no you cant give it back!!!! you have to stick around and help us out when we need you,everything you have been thru with them, your one of the best qualified to be here,,,so stay plllleaaassseeeeeeeee

shelagh xxxxxxxxx
Agreed with Shelagh, you cant give up your number, your still a member of the club, heck I didnt give mine back :lol:
looks like i'll have to keep the badge a little longer, the guy left empty handed :)
Here be Wilde. The Oscar. Tank mate of Oscar. The Oscar.

Pumba... what can i say.....?

Finally living up to the 'Oscar' name.

I removed a piece of driftwood to use in another tank.... little did i know, this would cause him to RAMPAGE everything that moved or that has NEVER moved in the tank.

I'll let the pics explain... Poor plec has been hiding for three straight days (who knows what he does at night..... maybe he FINDS PEACE) :lol:

Left for three hours, he managed to do this to the tank (and after i came home, i watched him try to move almost every LARGE rock in the tank like a madman). I think he might be trying to 1 up Jambo at this point :S

1) Dug a hole in the sand and moved all the "play pebbles" out of the corner :lol:

2)Shredded 1 of 2 live plants... im surprised its not worse by the way he's been thrashing the fake plants

3) Act three.... ripping apart fake plants


Some new pics for size reference:


Pleco's fortress he has dug under the driftwood :lol: :

sigh....... what happened to my innocent little oscar? :p
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