Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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thankyou glolite,nice to be back :)

oooo mags hes looking beautiful, what on earth are you feeding him hes growing at a heck of a rate...really cute lil face
,and his colouring is coming thru lovely :)

you`re a cracker Albert x x x x x
Thanks She, he eats like a horse.

Ohhhh, I saw these teeny tiny albino's in the LFS the other day, as you know I was looking originally for an albino, I sooo nearly got one, but didnt think it would fair well with Albert the size he is getting and the GT. But they were so sweet :wub:
note to self : provide oscar and fishtank update on TFF ASAP!

Sushi has a life long partner in the tank now lol pics will follow :)
hello Peter :) long time no see

note to peter... pictures!!! ;)

hope all is well in that stunning tank of yours,and you yourself are keeping well x x x x
Here's a few piccies I took the other week after the re-scape and the fighting..

Wilde and Ocsar, both getting along ok. For the time being.


Wilde on his own, still a bit shy after Oscar beat him up (you can see the marks near his tail) and seemed to get slight marks like HITH (water changes have been improving that no end)


Oscar on his tod


Oscar playing footy (no idea what the hell I've bought from Lidl though, never been in there)


Oscar. Camera Lover.


Quite impressed with the pics considering I took them on my phone (upgraded a couple of weeks back)
aww love them, they are a gorgeous pair :)
finally got round to changing the water in all my tanks today so took the chance to get a few pics of my boy, think hes in need of a larger tank to be honest, didnt realise till i saw some of the pics. and bless him he looks so bashed about with all his scars :lol: ( i dont beat him i swear :lol: ) the one he got a few weeks ago from the light has gone completly tho,so one less




Seems to have enough room for now Shelagh, but you might have to get a 5ft soon if he grows much more. His head does look a little bumpy but thats to be expected when you whack it on the lid enough times :rolleyes:
i think its the long grassy plants that make the tank look small, but he gets in there if foods an option :lol:
im just having a browse on ebay now see if i can find something around the 5/6ft mark, with a seller willing to deliver and almost give it away :(
hes had those bumps since before i had him,goodness knows what they are,scars of some sort healed up i spose, hes none the worse for it tho, and whatever he has now is a heck of a lot better than how he was kept in the past ( thats not an excuse for his tank size) and to me hes perfect,,, if not a bit mental :lol:
Reckon you need a tall tank and leave the water level a bit lower (say 2"6 high and fill to 2") give him some jumping room lol.
hehe you guys iam soooo annoyed with you all, i really want a oscar again -_-
shela you have done a grand job with the healing prosess, just looks like he had acne when younger<HITH is my bet>
yeah thats what i thought when i got him nelly.

indigoj> a diving board and swimming instructor is what the nutter wants :lol:

thankyou gfaduck :)
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