Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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<1> nelly
<2> sheilaf
<3> shelaghfishface
<4> peter22uk
<5> minxfishy
<6> remz
<7> dave ehl
<8> spishkey
<9> spesh
<10> guinness
<11> tobigara
<12> ludwig venter
<13> gfaduck
<14> kris 1978
<15> ren&stumpy
<16> joshrm115
<18> crazy4fish
<19> simonas
<20> thedood326
<21> tonyp5467
<22> deb53cl
<23> 5teve-o
<24> xenosis
<25> bolty
<26> lokemer
<27> gregkarr09
<28> chefjamescott
<29> the captain
<30> koningwolf
<31> glolite
<32> indigoj
<33> momo33........................................................ now show us the pics!!
<34> forby3
<35> Naughty T
<36>moonmang unless i missed something
<37> Xenon Junkie

You missed me out,i'm number 35 lol

Might aswell update you while i'm here.

As i said before my boys were not getting along together grouch (the albino) was beating churchill to a pulp,so i seperated them and churchill needed a 2 week course of melafix to help him as he had scales missing and some badly torn fins,he is now back to full health and both boys are confident in thier seperate tanks and beg for food etc now so all is well.
Sorry mate, didnt mean to miss you out, was copying the last list I could find :blush:
Had great fun over the weekend... Myself and the better half have been away from Thurs night to Sun, so had parents come round to feed the fish on Sat aft.

Got a phone call whilst my dad was there about Wilde being chased round by Oscar (or as my dad put it "The big thing is chasing the smaller big thing in your tank and having a right old go at it").

Welcome to the world of adolescence!!

Managed to get back early on sunday, did the 75% water change and added some other rocks, totally changed round the tank 'scape to stop Oscar gettting territorial. Got some egg crate cut so that can slide straight in a seperate the tank if it all kicks off again.

Both seem to be ok now, but Wilde has some scales missing and his fins have seen better days. He's started eating again though and doesn't seem bothered by Oscar anymore (he was hiding right down behind a rock on sunday when we got back, hardly moving). The mrs gave Oscar a right telling off as well. Don't know which was funnier, the mrs talking sternly to a fishtank or the fact that Oscar was backing off and went and lay down in the corner as if he knew he'd "Been a bad boy!"

Oscars. Don't ya just luv em.
Thanks for the welcome indigoJ :)

Hehe your right Gfaduck, with their characters its hard not to love em!
I hope the arguemnts between themin your tank dont retun, but you never can tell :p

Fed Yin and Yang some earthworms yesterday, they got so excited and went mental!
They kept trying to pull them out of each others mouth!
Unfortunately they got little too cheeky and yang decided to jump for my fingers!
Silly thing thought i had more!!
Luckily she missed. But it did make me laugh!!
Bit slow round here lately, how about some updated pics of Albert, he's gone from a wee 1" to about 4" in 4/5weeks since I got him :crazy:




btw, those arent spots on him, they are bubbles on the glass from the w/c :rolleyes:
He's gorgeous :drool: what an unusual colour. Oscars definately get more stunning the bigger they grow. :nod:
hey you lot :)

aww minx Albert is looking stunning hun, what a size on him! lovely pics :) ( love the sulking one)

yin and yang are gorgeous too,and welcome to the oscar club :)

nelly i got your text but my phone wont let me do anything :( anyway i got a new one so ill text you my new number sometime today :)

mags thankyou ever so much hun for your support, been thru a rough time recently and your emails have really meant a lot, but everything is getting better now and im feeling a lot better ,dunno about the fish tho, they havent had a water change since the beginning of the month, took about a KG of hair algae out of the fluval tank last night,so today they are all getting sorted.. but they dont seem any the worse for it thank goodness

Bo healed up beautifully after his jump,tho he still does it ( looks like insanity runs in the family lol)
ill post some updated pics of him later today when ive changed the water,which is really dark at the mo from the tannins.
thanks all for your support i really appreciate it :)

shelagh xxx
Hey Shelagh, nice to see you sweetie :D We've missed you round here.

I didnt know if you got my emails as my yahoo account has gone nutso and I dont get half of my emails, so Ive changed my addy, will send you a new address.

Im sure the fish will be just fine without the w/c's its not like they always live like that, sometimes you just dont feel like doing it, you have good filters so they will be fine, the plants are probably thriving :lol:

Looking forward to some new pics of Bo.
how big do oscars get? And is the demand in this country big for them? And also, how often do they spawn/breed and how many babys/fry survive
i didnt get round to doing the water change yesterday for several reasons, swimming, parks etc then at 7 pm when i finally found time i realised some swine has nicked my hose pipe!! so off to get a new one today.. what a thing to nick tho.. and how i didnt notice before i dunno,considering i never ever put it away properly and always have to step over it to hang the washing out :/

John- they get to about 12inches in captivity, maybe up to 14/15 in the wild,as for demand, i think its a similar problem with puppies, people think theyre cute when small, get one, then realise they cant take proper care of them,so its possible that the same adult fish will see the inside of many fish shops before finding a permanent home, lack of reaserch,dishonest sales people ( as to size,tank req`s etc) all add up

as for them spawning, a breeding pair in good conditions will spawn regularly, but dosent mean to say that any fry will survive ( like most cichlids they make a bit of a mess of it the first few times) not only that but one spawn( if successful) can produce an enormus amount of fry 100+ and unless there is somewhere to responsibly rehome them all ( not everyone wants a pet fish that gets to over a foot long) you have to end up killing them, or turning your house into a huge fish tank to accomodate them all, so not really a good idea without a heck of a lot of reaserch.

of course 2 oscars can be kept together without breeding....but bear in mind that there is always a chance that one maybe killed, or beaten so badly it will need rehoming, sucess id usually acheived by buying 6 very young oscars and letting them naturally "pair off" then rehoming all the others, but even then, this method has proved to go wrong, in my own case, i had a lovely friendly pair as far as i was concerned, no problems at all, then one morning a got up and the dominant one had beaten the carp out of the less :( ..... unless i bought a mature pair. i wouldnt go thru that again.
hope that helps

shelagh xxx
Weekly update on Albert, he now close to the Severum in size, I knew he would grow fast, but this pace is surely unsustainable :rolleyes: The colour is really starting to show now too.


Woah hes growing into a right stunner :) looks like a racoon :) lol

Will your GT be ok with him if he keeps growing like that?
Yeah the GT has grown 2" in 5 weeks!! Just shows what many water changes and lots of good food does for them.

They occassionally square off together, no touching, just stare at each other, the GT flares at him, then they both back off and go about their business.
Wicked :) soooo jealous of your GT :p

My Oscars grew crazy fast when I had them to,they were around 12" by 7 months!
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