Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

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:lol: ugly or what!!

yes i remember ;)

was going to do it this morning but was raging as some git reversed his car into me ( my leg not my car), and totally lost my temper so just got the bags n had a chat about these n came home

hes a tiger thats been dumped cos he got too big, he needs a second chance and i miss my oscars so im more than happy to oblige :)
"but my oscar will be in there by lunch time tommorow,"

Sounds ominous for the goldies, what aren't you telling us hun ?
All looks good Shelagh, I bet you havent slept all night, looking forward to seeing your new baby later :D

And momo, she's taking those fish in the tank to the store where the O is coming from, dont worry they wont be food.
"but my oscar will be in there by lunch time tommorow,"

Sounds ominous for the goldies, what aren't you telling us hun ?

:lol: noooooooo... no way could i do that momo, they are as minx says going to the store where i bought the oscar, if i had got home in time i would have dopped them off last night,i didnt have anything else to keep them in and didnt want to upset these so i put them in the tank over night.

and besides i would challange any oscar to fit one of these in there mouths their huge ( one about 7 inches) :hyper: ( gold fish dont make good feeders incidently)

so dont worry they are all going to the store not my boys belly :lol:

thanks minx, was here till silly oclock just incase anything happend ( leaks etc) managed to sleep about 4, and then woke up to the tought that i have to re-catch them all this morning :/ :lol:
Two weeks ago you have no tanks. Now you have 3!! Are you trying to beat your own record of 14? :lol:

Enjoy getting wet to catch them all again, just think only a few hours until his royal sulkness will be in there looking sadly at you, begging for prawns :D

Have a great day hon :D
meet BO

he flooded the shop splashing about :lol: hes not sulking at all, and is totally beautiful,ill get better pics this eve,
looks like he does have a small patch of HTH after all, not surprised at all to be honest, its just a very small bit on the left above his mouth, so it will be water changes everyday till he gets better, in the shop he was with 3 huge plecs (2ft at least) and they had a fluval4+ filter :/ even with daily water changes thats an awful lot to ask, but no matter hes rescued now... tho hes gonna be wondering if it was for the better all the fuss hes getting.. :lol:

king prawns were on the menu tonight for him and boy did he woof them down!
also have him on hikari cichlid gold to see if i can get hs colours back, not sure what colour he was originally but hes def washed out, thing is all i could find were mini pellets which must be like tic tacs to a big fish like him :lol: so any suggestions??

oh im well chuffed with his attitude, not been sulking for a single moment, he was a bit shy of me when i went to talk to him but now hes up at the glass to see me~~ which i keep doing to get him used to my ugly mug :lol:
you can see the HTH in the reflection just by his mouth :(
ok small problem.. he is very nervous of people, when i have my hand in the tank he hides under the filter.. god knows how he fits but he does it :lol:
anyway im keeping with it, doing water changes daily and generally messing about in the tank to get him used to it

hes not eating his prawns today :( he did have some of that hikari gold stuff, but is that enough for him? he also seems to have a problem taking food off the floor, the day i got him he woofed the prawns down but not now, when i open the hood he comes up to see whats going on, but if he sees my hand hes gone,, want to give him some peas to see if that helps, but if he wont take them off the floor :/
hes happy in himself, really enjoying the space,im just worried hes not getting enough to eat :(

he is so obviously a beautiful gentle fish,and very shy :)

shelagh xxx

oops forgot to add, that i dont really want to be leaving food hanging about in the tank for too long as it just has the standard 300 filter that juwel make, be a few weeks before i can afford to upgrade that, but in the mean time its daily water changes, due to that and the fact that he has a patch of HTH,so really need to keep his water tip top :)
Hon, you know, he's an Oscar, when he's hungry he will eat. He was probably quite hungry at 1st, lets face it, LFS feed very little.

He may well not be used to much maintenance taking place in his tank, he will in time get use to it. My largest Sev used to hide under the filter too, he got used to it eventually, now he's out swimming around my hands and I can stroke him as I work, so take heart, eventually he will get used to it, probably end up like Jambo and try to eat your fingers :lol:
Shelaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you did it didn't you, I know it was you, it could only be you, admit it go on, stand up and say it, I know you jinxed me.

My worst nightmare came true, and I wish I could rip the heart out of the beggar who did it too me.

I lost it by £1. Bawwwlllllll, I couldnt get home in time to bid more.............

The SWINE, I wanna fry them on a BBQ grill
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hate to disapoint you momo but no it wasnt me..... but it would have been if i lived nearer :lol:

what a price they went for, that was a big miss out,sorry mate , :(

im just at the point where i can restrain myself from searching oscar in a 50 mile radius :lol: ........ wont last tho!!

infact my local maidenhad aquatics have some 4 inch lemons with a fuzz of black round the edge of their bodies, but priorites mean i have to upgrade the filter on Bo`s tank before getting anymore :)
come on guys our club is flagging

pics,updates please :)

:lol: just had a bad thought.. ill have to get more to bulk the thread.. that would be soooooooo... err bad :lol: not
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