James flexton
update time.
the guppy fry are growing up fast. i have about 5 males just showing tail markings now and still about 60 other fry in there. i haven't done a huge amount on this one, just added 3 big java ferns from the 180. pics below.
this tank really is awesome. max of 1 hour a week (if that) and no other pruning or maintenance at all. i wish i could say that for the other two.
the guppy fry are growing up fast. i have about 5 males just showing tail markings now and still about 60 other fry in there. i haven't done a huge amount on this one, just added 3 big java ferns from the 180. pics below.
this tank really is awesome. max of 1 hour a week (if that) and no other pruning or maintenance at all. i wish i could say that for the other two.