Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 3 (50g Cube 2x2x2)

:lol: sorry mate, just thought i'd check before typing them all out.

Temp: 23
PH: 7.2
KH: 13
NitrAte: 10
Phosphate: 0.5
Iron: 1.5/2

nitrIte/Ammonia: 0
yeah i hear a lot of people have problems with val. they grow like weeks in my tanks. you probably know but the 180 has a load in it as well. in both medium and low light they thrive.

must be the KH
hi everyone

this is a slow growing, low light tank so i wont bore you with more tank pics yet. everythings grown about 2mm and looking healthy. the guppy fry are growing up fast. i have about 15 with colour on their tails now. all look female though :sly: hopefully some males are in there somewhere.

i'm really pleased my sailfin has recovered from his scrap with the bristlenose. almost all fins are healed now and he's been swimming about in daylight. must be happy, after all he's used to a rekord 60!!

here he is sniffing the effluent!! dirty bugger.

i'll try but he's still a bit shy and timid after the fight. theres some pics of an identical one in my 40G journal if your interested. i would post it here but i want to keep these threads specific to each tank. link in my sig.
Yust looked at it and hes beatiful, good luck with him.

thanks prankster705.

update time

my anubias Barti has bloomed :band: so happy to find that in the tank one morning. needless to say it's like caviar to guppies and is no more. lasted about 2 days. but i managed to snap some pics in time.

this is my most trouble free tank at the moment just 25% water changes every 4 days (guppy fry growing out) and 1/2 ei seems to be working fine.

here's some piccies for you all

Full tank shots


anubias barti flower (sorry it's dark it wouldn't focus in full light)

Java Moss carpet is slowly coming along

one mummy guppy

and 2 of her babies (about 50 still alive and kicking in the tank)

feel free to comment
Whats that plant in the centre of the tank attached to the wood that branches out perfectly (last pic in your first post)? Looks great.
Whats that plant in the centre of the tank attached to the wood that branches out perfectly (last pic in your first post)? Looks great.

thanks it's windelov java fern, simmilar to normal java fern but the leaves fork at the ends.

thanks to everyone else for the kind words. :D
i removed a flower stalk from my amazon swords last night to send onto a member on here. some of you may have been following this thread

i thought as it's such a giant i'd post a pic in the journal.

the stalk actually has 10 plantlets growing on it at various stages of development.


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