Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 2 (rio 180 - 40g)

The tank is looking amazing jimbooo. You'll definately do a great PFK visit, and I'm sure your tank will look even better when they come.
:good: :hyper: nice tank :D

if you ever have any spare glosso or riccia then ill be more than happy to buy it from you ;)
Jim, oh Jim, oh Jim,

What are we to do with you? How can you expect us to make useful suggestions when you keep your tank looking like this? Humm? Come on explain yourself....How on earth do you expect mear mortals like us to comment on what is quite clearly one of THE most beautiful tanks I have ever have the pleasure of being able to see? It is most selfish of you ;)

Turly an awesome (i hate that word soooo over used but it discribes this tank to a tee) tank there matey. The PFK people wont know what hit them! :thumbs:

So two plec's now hey? Didn't i read something recently about them being major poo'ers? :lol: good luck! I guess its only 7 more days, you can make it Jim, I know you can. I hope the glosso fills out a bit, is looking a bit sparce.

One quick question, you have 13hrs of light, do you think it helps having a bit more? I have 10hrs over my nano, was wondering if 12 might be worth a try?

Thanks for the kind replys everyone, i really appreciate it

Jim, oh Jim, oh Jim,

What are we to do with you? How can you expect us to make useful suggestions when you keep your tank looking like this? Humm? Come on explain yourself....How on earth do you expect mear mortals like us to comment on what is quite clearly one of THE most beautiful tanks I have ever have the pleasure of being able to see? It is most selfish of you ;)

Turly an awesome (i hate that word soooo over used but it discribes this tank to a tee) tank there matey. The PFK people wont know what hit them! :thumbs:

So two plec's now hey? Didn't i read something recently about them being major poo'ers? :lol: good luck! I guess its only 7 more days, you can make it Jim, I know you can. I hope the glosso fills out a bit, is looking a bit sparce.

One quick question, you have 13hrs of light, do you think it helps having a bit more? I have 10hrs over my nano, was wondering if 12 might be worth a try?


:blush: wow, thanks so much. but see you can make valid sugestions, the glosso's sparse. i also have a bit of spot algae on the anubias in the midsection bogwood. cant seem to shift it, i was going to remove the effected leaves but then the plant will have a big gappy stem at the base. i'll have to leave it for now as they take ages to recover from a big prune.

on the light front NO leave it be. mine was 12 hours when i used nutrafins before i had all the co2 problems then when the jbl kit was playing up my co2 levels went drastically up and down, algae took off and i'm only back on track now after about 8 weeks. when i put the dennerle kit on i set the lights to 10 hours straight but only 2 of the 4 tubes on for the full 10, the other 2 were on for 6 hours in the middle of the photoperiod. my theory was tonnes of co2, medium light and hopefully the plants would out do the algae, it worked thank goodness. i waited until the glosso had filled out and hair algae had gone then and only then brought the light back up to 13 hours straight, all tubes on for the duration. the reason i did this was that i have been pulling out loads of leaves from the swords and lillies and the higher light seems to speed up the process of new leaf production. i'm in a race with the clock for the 20th after all. if it wasn't for that i'd have left it at around 10 hours.

if yours is well balanced with no algae i'd leave it be.
Looking good.

The central sword and lilies distract from the flow of the layout if I had to pick fault but obviously leaves things be until the shoot.

Best of luck for the 20th if I don't get the chance to be active before then.
:drool: your tank is looking just stunning James :good:
The tank looks stunning. I loved the 180 before, and it's still my FAVORITE of your tanks! Great job! Please keep us posted when PFK comes to visit, but I don't think they'll be disappointed.
well as i'm sure the majority of you will know, Jeremy Gay, technical writer for PFK and Neil his photographer came to my flat on the 20th April for a reader visit. full account here (it's the I'm stunned thread, i just wanted to save a copy in my journal for future use, sorry if your reading old news here)

so all went to plan, while the tanks were looking their best i thought i'd take some pictures for the journal, not too different from the ones posted previously but what the hell. This is the tank on the day of the visit plus a couple of the rekord60 for good measure (i wont update that journal as well as i think it's a bit overkill)

it was a shame i didn't manage to get the equipment out. i was planning on removing it all just before the pictures were taken but once i got chatting to Jeremy, the photographer started doing his thing and before i knew it he'd finished. DOH. oh well, not the end of the world i suppose. the glosso just about spread in time, lillies were looking very red and the red flame sprang back to life just in time (it's been suffering with the co2 issues over the past few months).

so here you go, on the evening of the 20th..






Sterbai Corys playing in the glosso


pearling Echinodorus "Red Flame"

Jemima the angel fish (apparently jemima is a boy according to Jeremy, lol sorry buddy)

unfortunate location of the bubble ladder, it's a shame i didn't move it but at least people can see what i use i suppose, oh well

and the rekord 60



oh and apparently my 2 sailfin gibbiceps plecs are actually common plecs, damn it. oh well i dont love them any less for it.

i was talking to william via pm and he came up with the idea of a welcome to TFF type thread for all the people who will log on following the mention of the forum in the article. if anyone has any ideas as to the structure and content please feel free to voice your opinions.

thanks for all the support leading up to the visit, it's nice that people take an interest, keeps me motivated.
Just awesome, stunning, beautiful ! Well done :good:
It never fails to amaze me how much pearly you get of a java fern! I would never thought it possible, even with it being Georges ex-plant! Looking great mate :) what you plans now you've got it to this stage I cant really see anything much that needs changing! :thumbs:

BTW are PFK gonna send you some of the pics they took, digital copies I mean? would be good to get some so you can post on here and also just to have some 'professional' ones in the collection? Not that Im saying your pics are bad! Hell no! But would be cool, would be a nice momento over and above the PFK article.

heey I was really busy and was not able to visit the forums recently, the big java fern looks familiar ? :) hehe anyway your tanks are really nice now jimboo ! and i mean nice

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