Fish Herder
The tank is looking amazing jimbooo. You'll definately do a great PFK visit, and I'm sure your tank will look even better when they come.
Jim, oh Jim, oh Jim,
What are we to do with you? How can you expect us to make useful suggestions when you keep your tank looking like this? Humm? Come on explain yourself....How on earth do you expect mear mortals like us to comment on what is quite clearly one of THE most beautiful tanks I have ever have the pleasure of being able to see? It is most selfish of you
Turly an awesome (i hate that word soooo over used but it discribes this tank to a tee) tank there matey. The PFK people wont know what hit them!
So two plec's now hey? Didn't i read something recently about them being major poo'ers? good luck! I guess its only 7 more days, you can make it Jim, I know you can. I hope the glosso fills out a bit, is looking a bit sparce.
One quick question, you have 13hrs of light, do you think it helps having a bit more? I have 10hrs over my nano, was wondering if 12 might be worth a try?