Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 2 (rio 180 - 40g)

Hi Jimbo. Love your tank. Spent 2 days reading it and all your other journals and just admiring the pics. Only hope that one day, I'll have a tank that looks 10% of yours. Hands down the best journal I've read so far
Hi flygja, i feel rather honoured that you've spent the time to read all that lot. there's tonnes of it. If you have the patience to go through all my journals then you could definatly produce a tank as good and probably better than mine. i have never read any books, dont know any other fish keepers and have learnt everything from reading on here. if you follow the rules you cant fail.

Best of luck with your own tanks and please feel free to pm me if you need any specific advice.

Keep well,

Hi flygja, i feel rather honoured that you've spent the time to read all that lot. there's tonnes of it. If you have the patience to go through all my journals then you could definatly produce a tank as good and probably better than mine. i have never read any books, dont know any other fish keepers and have learnt everything from reading on here. if you follow the rules you cant fail.

Best of luck with your own tanks and please feel free to pm me if you need any specific advice.

Keep well,


I have also spent the last 4 or 5 hours reading all of your journals and I am absolutely amazed at what you have produced. If I can produce something half as good I will be very happy.

I am just about to set up my first real planted tank in a 2x2x2 tank with a laterite substate.

I am interested in the EI fertilisation method that you have mentioned a few times. Unless I have missed it I have not seen what exactly this method is. Is there a link to somewhere where I can get more info on it please?

What amount of lighting would you recommend on a tank of this size?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi there Paul. firstly on the EI Front see the big pinned article at the top of the planted section. with regard to the tank generally 2.5 watts per gallon is a good rule of thumb as long as you are going to add CO2. you will need a pressurised system on a tank that size (about 50 UK gallons)

if you are on a budget see the link in my signature to my 50G cube journal (also 2x2x2). that was low light, 1.3 WPG diy co2 (when i managed to fill it up) and worked very well. you dont necessarily need loads of light to get plants to grow, you just have to know which plants can cope with it. once you get the plants right it will take care of itself. by the way that cube was the easiest planted tank i have ever kept and still my favorite of the three.

with lower light EI is borderline as to the necessity. you can set it up and play it by ear. if the plants display deficiencies then you will need to fertalise but not anyway near as much as with a high light (2.5WPG or above) setup.

best of luck and sorry for the delayed reply, i cant get online much at the moment. works manic.

Great Journal Jimbooo :)
International recognition well deserved.
wow. just read this journal from front to backand im extremely impressed. ill be upgrading from a 20 to a 40-50 US gal tank and was searching for inspiration and i think i may have found some! truely amazing. keep up the great work and im wondering if there is an update instore (if u still ahve this tank.)

EDIT: just read your 100g tank journal. realising u dont have this tank anymore.
Thanks mate, in fact i do kind of still have the tank, i sold it to my boss. basically i spend 9 hrs a day sitting 3 feet from it and still do all lthe maintenance etc. i moved the whole lot there, fish, plants and all. Unfortunatly Jemima, The 6 yr old angel died last week of unknown causes :rip: :byebye: but apart from that the tank looks awesome i have never had it so easy. i do absolutley nothing fert wise still have CO2 injection and 3 WPG not a single strand of algae and very healthy looking plants. i can only put it down to a rather heavy fish load and rich/mature substrate. whatever the reason i'm leaving well alone. i only have an hour a week to maintain it so thats just about time for a water change and to pull some overgrown lily leaves out. i'll take some pics soon and post them if your interested.
Amazing Tank.

How Long does it take the Red Lotus to reach the surface as just got 4 of them as bulbs.
really depends on lighting co2 and nutrient levels. in my tank from first emerging from the bulb to reaching air 2 feet above about a week.
Ahh Jimbooo!

I cant help but return to this journal time and time again!

Its a huge insperation to me and I will definately be coming back to read all over again when I set up my first "real" planted tank (Before was DIY c02 shoddy filters etc lol)

Im a bit sad at the fact theres none of that iconic riccia in the current scape... But none the less beautiful as always!

Welldone mate


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