Fish Crazy
Hi There. Just wanted to give an updated journal image. I actually had to perform my first pruning this past weekend. As mentioned in my previous post, the Cabomba/Anacharis both reached the water's surface. I also had to "thin out" my Water Sprite since it was crowding my Amazon Swords.
Okay... now I'm at the point of trying to figure out which plants to keep long term... and which to get rid of. I am pretty disappointed with my Java Ferns and Crypto Wendtii.
I can definitely use some aquascaping suggestions... help! Can also use some other nice plant suggestions to help replace some that might be leaving.
Thoughts, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.
Okay... now I'm at the point of trying to figure out which plants to keep long term... and which to get rid of. I am pretty disappointed with my Java Ferns and Crypto Wendtii.
I can definitely use some aquascaping suggestions... help! Can also use some other nice plant suggestions to help replace some that might be leaving.
Thoughts, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.