Jay's 72g Bowfront

Hi There. Just wanted to give an updated journal image. I actually had to perform my first pruning this past weekend. As mentioned in my previous post, the Cabomba/Anacharis both reached the water's surface. I also had to "thin out" my Water Sprite since it was crowding my Amazon Swords.


Okay... now I'm at the point of trying to figure out which plants to keep long term... and which to get rid of. I am pretty disappointed with my Java Ferns and Crypto Wendtii. -_-

I can definitely use some aquascaping suggestions... help! Can also use some other nice plant suggestions to help replace some that might be leaving.

Thoughts, comments, and criticisms are all welcome. :lol:
That is some serious growth!

Ferns and crypts can often take a long time to settle in and start to grow, and even then they are slow growers. The crypts can look stunning once they've shot lots of new leaves. Fern roots (at least the ones I've had!) tend to be very dark in colour, no idea how long they take to get a good hold on wood, I'd say 2-3 months should be OK.

Many swords are grown emerged (out of water) and take a while to start shooting new emersed leaves. Old ones will discolour and hopefully new ones will be healthier.

I would concentrate on bulking up the stem plants - put new cuttings back in near the older ones and it will start to fill in nicely.
Hi There. Just wanted to give an updated journal image. I actually had to perform my first pruning this past weekend. As mentioned in my previous post, the Cabomba/Anacharis both reached the water's surface. I also had to "thin out" my Water Sprite since it was crowding my Amazon Swords.


Okay... now I'm at the point of trying to figure out which plants to keep long term... and which to get rid of. I am pretty disappointed with my Java Ferns and Crypto Wendtii. -_-

I can definitely use some aquascaping suggestions... help! Can also use some other nice plant suggestions to help replace some that might be leaving.

Thoughts, comments, and criticisms are all welcome. :lol:

Is the carbo plus the electronic unit? If so I'm not too sure how good they are. When we use injected CO2 the tanks needs good circulation to trasport the CO2 around the tank to all the plants, hence why the plants closest to your diffusor may be getting on better than the others. If it is the electronic unit then I'm not sure how it works.

You may be at the point of deciding what to keep and what to get but I wouldn't think about putting that into practice yet. You need to let these plants grow and grow and get the balance of fert dosing and CO2 correct before removing the faster weeds that you have.

As for Crypt Wendtii I don't know how you can say you're disappointed with it. It is a beautiful plant once settled. Mayeb yours is still going through its melting period. Crypts leaves tend to 'melt' when they are unsettled and then they start to grow back once it is left alone. This will happen every time you move it/reposition it but it will grow and it will look awesome. Patience is the key as with all tanks.

it is great what are you on about.

I think you want perfection too soon...

Wish mine was like that

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