Its Sunday, So What Fishy Jobs Have You Been Doing Today?


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Sunday is here, so tank maintanance it is :good:

I moved half my rock around to try and find my very pretty rose anemone and still couldnt find her, she isnt very big :blink: got bitten several times by the monster clowns :shout:

Now my tank looks like there is a sand storm going on and I still have a water top-up to do, tank seems to have lost a load of water this week to evaporation :blush:

Move magnum 8 to the other end...........blooming heck, more of a sand storm!

Burnt arm on light when trying to catch mushie as it went flying into the sand storm :crazy:

Touched the most amazing looking stomatella I have ever seen, its hairy, think it must have come from your tank Morri, :look:

Added some more sand, this went well, bet you thought I was going to say more sand storm, but no, I used a big jug, filled it with sand, let some water in and bingo, just put it on the bottom and tipped the sand out

Got the chop sticks out to feed the other Nems with their prawns and mussel (I'm not getting bitten again!)

AND loved every minute of it............... :lol:

Seffie x
9am-ish, filled the coffee pot with water. Does that count as a water change? :lol:
ive done nothing so far and im gutted! been let down 3 times over some glass i ordered ion the last fortnight. Its the only place anywhere near me that has 10mm in stock aswel!
9am-ish, filled the coffee pot with water. Does that count as a water change? :lol:

Your my kind of man :lol: now get a wiggle on :p with those real water changes :rolleyes:

Ben you must be getting soooo frustrated?

Seffie x
I performed a water change on my freshwater nano tank! :p
Bought 2 more gorgs, designed a new liquid food injection system, educated some random person in the keeping of azoox and then went to the pub :)
Not a WC in sight lol
Should be doing a water change on my marine and tropical tanks today but it's Sunday, the sun Is out, the wifes gone out with the little un, the footballs on tv and I've just found 2 bottles of bulmers in the fridge. No chance of a wc now!

Well....................maybe later!.....
What's the point keeping an empty bottle of gin in the cupboard!.....gutted! Was in line for a good afternoon!

Oh well!, water change it is then!
Saturday - Cleaned the 5ft Godiva weir and taken the cabinet apart to remove sump, cleaned sump, replaced sump, rebuilt cabinet, cleaned everything. Then did a 10l change on the nano.

Sunday - WC on the 3ft reef, cleaned, replaced a lump of rock (this time with putty) which I thought was secure but had been toppled by a turbo, then played with the Vortech, moved it, played some more, created a storm of bits which I can't get to settle, parents came round and my Dad played with the Vortech and admired the firefish.
Then did a 20% change and cleaned the Malawi tank.

A very fish heavy weekend here.
I took all my live rock out of my curing tank to put it in a plastic box. Found i didn't have enough space in the new plastic box so transferred it all back to glass tank. Went out and bought a bigger plastic box. Filled it with LR and then found that it wasn't strong enough for all the water. So had to tranfer some back to glass tank. So all in all unproductive day.

I leave my water changes for monday as i work saturdays.
Did you really have to tell us that happygeorge.
I'm trying to find motivation to do a 20% change on
My 2 tanks and you've spent 2 DAYS on yours.

Im feeling guilty now! Lol

I'm getting old!......I'm watching midsomer murders!

Wc tomorrow! definetely tomorrow! Lol

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