Its Snowing In Taunton Where Else Is It Snowing !


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2008
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taunton somerset uk
hi it has just started to snowing this afternoon in taunton
where else is showing
show us pics where u are

heres a pic
Pah is that all you got :lol: Got about 5" up here in the midlands, there is a thread in Trop Discussion about the snow too!
it doesnt snow much down here we live in a valley so doesnt snow much down here

last time we had good snow down here it was 1977 ish when i was a lad lol
its like a winter wonderland here in the high peak - derbyshire, not sure how deep it is, but its getting pretty bad - certain roads are now closed and its coming down pretty hard and has been all day
8-9" deep (in places) down here in kent and more on the way :(

pics on there way
Essex - about four /five inches deep - and a day off work, school was closed early (7:00 am) so I was able to go back to bed for an extra snooze yeahhhhhhhhhh

Seffie x

We've got about 4" up here in west lothian in scotland . I kinda live in a valley so we've not been as bad as some surrounding towns which have had up 6-7" ...more forecasted for tomorrow ! YAY !! lol
We had like 6-8" here lol

Been out for AGEEEEEES just having snow fight :p
it is chucking it down in pontypridd south wales it is probably aboutb 5 inches deep at the moment and still snowing heavy the main road has about 2 inches on it and i have just rang my husband to come home he might have to walk most the way and he works in british airways next to cardiff airport ha ha
I'm nowhere near any of you but would be willing to send you some. We have had 66 inches so far this winter in Bismarck, ND, US.

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