Fish Fanatic
I was in teh emergency section a while back, and found that my female betta, Sally, had hemorrhagic septicemia, and had it for about a month beforehand. After finding out what was wrong, I got E.M. Tablets at my LFS and followed the directions of use. I followed them and i got no result. A few days and a 100% water change in the hospital tank later, I decide I should start it again, but still, no results. At all. She looks the same, and is progressively getting worse just as she was before. There was not even a slow-down in how bad she is.
My friend, who saw her the day i bought her came by, and thought she was a blood-red patched fish, with blood-red fins.. She didnt even recognize her, and this friend generally recognizes my fish, even knows the names i haev for them. That doesnt seem to be a good sign to me.
so my questions..
Is it just too bad now, to save her? Should I euthanize her, or keep her and just hope she gets better?
what do you all think?
My friend, who saw her the day i bought her came by, and thought she was a blood-red patched fish, with blood-red fins.. She didnt even recognize her, and this friend generally recognizes my fish, even knows the names i haev for them. That doesnt seem to be a good sign to me.
so my questions..
Is it just too bad now, to save her? Should I euthanize her, or keep her and just hope she gets better?
what do you all think?