Its Been A While...

Give it another try with the meds, good luck.
No dont use the meds again. Just get another clearer side shot.
now that i think about it, it could be a color change...

we had only just gotten her when she first started showing some red, in the beginning we just ignored it.

so perhaps once being moved into better conditions (She was a walmart survivor :p ) she started changing, then with better quality food she started changing...

:lol: dang you, SAlly!! i spent money on you... haha dang...

so what do you guys think, its safe to bring her back to the 55? should i kepe her in the hospital tank a bit more just for observation?

edit: just noticed the request for better sideshot. will do lol.


Two examples of septicemia, one mostly on the fins, one on the body. I wish I kept the pics of the bloody spotting on my boy's head, he's all better now! As you can see, it is a very blood-red color, and both of the fish look very poor off. After a month with continued bleeding and no stoppage, I reckon she'd have gone into dropsy or simply passed on by now. I think you might be the mom of a very pretty purple-ish marble girl ;)

It looks like you got her young. Bettas sometimes undergo dramatic color changes as they mature. As I said, I've seen some really profound changes, and many foods enhance that change. Anti-biotics can be very harmful with long-term usage, and can lead to anti-biotic resistance later in life. Perhaps ask some betta breeders what they think once you get a clearer pic, so you can see if it is needed to continue medicating or not?

edit: Ooops, ye replied too quick for me ;)
How about you try her alone in the 10 for a week and make sure she is in good health once she is off of meds. If her condition crashes and she starts showing signs of illness, try a new med. If she continues to be happy and healthy, go ahead and return her to her sisters. =)
Thing is when you put her back she wont be the dominant female any more so you will have to rearrange the tank but i dont know if you already know that.
The clearer pic will tell us if shes ok or not.
Boy is she freakin' active O_O i had to catch her in a little see through cup before i could take a picture, and even then none of her head is ever in the shot :lol: but thats okay, i figure you just need to see her body, so heres what i managed to get...



there... so............ what is the verdict?
Me too, shes changing to marble is it? Not very good with color types. You can return her to the main tank now.
Am i glad you decided to post and not euthenise :)
im glad i posted too :lol: cept i wish i had known that before i bought the medication, new tank, new testing supplies for the water since i thought maybe i was getting bad readings and bad quality water caused it, plus more :S

oh well, it saved my sally! I'm glad, because I was hoping to breed her again - you should see how lovely her daughter, Bubbles is!

Bubbles has a white body, deep red fins, with clear tips, and her fins are quite long even though she's still not full size :wub:

ANYway... She still looks so odd to me, cuz her body isnt solid colored... its like... the scales seem to be white, with red outlining on each one.. I wonder if she's gunna keep changing.

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