Is This Tank Over Stocked?


Team TetraTEC
Global Moderator ⚒️
Aug 19, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I am looking to buy or set up a marine tank, I have been looking at this one and wanted to know if it is a good deal at this price?
Also from my very limited knowledge it seems this tank is over stocked? or am I wrong.

Many thanks

ps (sorry if I am not allowed to post links, mods please delete if I have broke the rules)
Uh yeah. IMO WAY too overstocked. If you buy the tank, I wouldn't take even half of the fish. Probably just the Bangaii and the clowns. Maybe one or two other fish, but I'm at work so I can't give a detailed account of what's in there. Definitely NOT the tang.
Yes is a little over stocked, i would take the lot and pass the regal, angelfish, 3 cardinals, a pair of clownfish, 3 damsels and one of the wrasse to a lfs and see if they will give you any store credits for them. Then you can re-stock the tank with your own fish.
Thanks for all the advice given, (I do feel sorry for that poor Tang) :no:

If I do decide to buy the tank would the filter that comes with it be sufficient? it looks a bit crusty!

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