Is This Forum Been Ruined By Imature New Users?

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It's not the immature new users IMO. Lately the word to sum up the vibe I am getting from the forum is high school. Seems like a few users have formed a click, and are kind of shutting other people out of the circle. Not sure if I am the only one that feels this way...

And one more thing I need to say and I don't care if I am going to get into trouble for saying it. It seems to me like all the new moderators have gotten elected, because they won a popularity contest, rather then their fish based knowledge.

Just my .02 and I am glad I finally have a reason to post it. Maybe I am just looking at things the wrong way, but this is how I feel.

Also, whats the point of the "Oscar Club" being pinned?! I mean why is it pin worthy, I don't see the point in it. All you do it say you own an oscar and then say your number... sorry don't mean to offend anyone maybe I am missing the point, but then why is it only an "Oscar club" that gets pinned and no other fish? Just seems sort of ridiculous to me and felt I had to rant about it as it seems like another popularity thing so it gets pinned for that reason alone... :/

Balls I was about to ask for a zebra danio club pin thread :unsure:
Hmm... Seems to me that's a great example of the sort of attitude that people are complaining about?
It's not the immature new users IMO. Lately the word to sum up the vibe I am getting from the forum is high school. Seems like a few users have formed a click, and are kind of shutting other people out of the circle. Not sure if I am the only one that feels this way...

And one more thing I need to say and I don't care if I am going to get into trouble for saying it. It seems to me like all the new moderators have gotten elected, because they won a popularity contest, rather then their fish based knowledge.

Just my .02 and I am glad I finally have a reason to post it. Maybe I am just looking at things the wrong way, but this is how I feel.

Also, whats the point of the "Oscar Club" being pinned?! I mean why is it pin worthy, I don't see the point in it. All you do it say you own an oscar and then say your number... sorry don't mean to offend anyone maybe I am missing the point, but then why is it only an "Oscar club" that gets pinned and no other fish? Just seems sort of ridiculous to me and felt I had to rant about it as it seems like another popularity thing so it gets pinned for that reason alone... :/

Balls I was about to ask for a zebra danio club pin thread :unsure:
Hmm... Seems to me that's a great example of the sort of attitude that people are complaining about?
Yeh its called having a laugh, seems to be quite alien on this forum though. I'll probably get a slap on the wrist for it :lol:
first off,i'm going to defend all 3 new moderators,i've been a member since feb of 08 and i've read many posts by all 3 and they are all knowledgable and deserve to be for the newbies that you're tired of,remember their names and stay away from their posts,eventually all they will have is their little clique's.
I hate n00bs..
I agree, there only seems to be a few actual hobbyists.

were you never a noob to the hobby then??

Exactly, we all have to start somewhere and if that means asking questions that have been asked a million times then so be it. Ok so people should really use the search function but plenty of people are just as new to web forums as they are to fishkeeping. If I can help with noob questions I will and if they either dont want to take my advice or are rude to me for whatever reason then I just dont help them anymore. No biggie.
You know I was taking the ### with the I hate n00bs (hence the 00's :p) statement, as that was the vibe I was getting...
There does seem to be much viewer discussions and topical threads, which sucks.
Edit, why is that word blocked, come on :rolleyes:

I hate n00bs..
I agree, there only seems to be a few actual hobbyists.

were you never a noob to the hobby then??
Aye, thanks for the enlightening Question.
Just look back at some of my old posts, I believed a sev would be fine in a 40 gallon :shifty:
There is more to mod life than just sitting around moving & deleting posts.
A certain amount of self help and self policing within the sections by the membership goes a long way to helping us do our job too, If you feel something is not right then hit the Report Button.
I used the report button to report an abusive post about 4 days ago. The poster told another member to "shut their mouth"...........the post is still there!!! I was also under the impression that "self-policing" was frowned upon by Mods/Admin?
I don't think I received that report so I can't comment bt if you will PM me with the thread I will certainly look into it. We are currently working on covering some forums better. The way the system works, if you use the "Report" button, the email report goes to the mods assigned to that forum. So if you report a thread in Tropical Discussion, the report goes to Inchworm, BTT and me. If there are no mods specifically assigned to a forum, it goes to all of us. Unfortunately, we have a couple forums that the mods assigned haven't been as active lately so any reports in there may not be seen in a timely manner. As I said, we are working on correcting that issue and hopefully, the next software update will have a much better system.

In the mean time, if you see a thread that needs reporting, use the report button but also send a PM to a mod that is currently online or one that you know is active on a daily basis.

And one more thing I need to say and I don't care if I am going to get into trouble for saying it. It seems to me like all the new moderators have gotten elected, because they won a popularity contest, rather then their fish based knowledge.
As to this statement, I am totally baffled. I would venture to say that there is no member on this forum that is more knowledgeable in the scientific side of the hobby that Bignose. He actually didn't want the full mod duties and came on as a mod just to oversee the scientific section but fortunately for us, he has been very active in all aspects of moderating the forum.

Ludwig Venter has been in the hobby for close to 40 years and bred over 30 different species. Hardly someone with no knowledge. And BTT has been in the hobby about 10 years and has kept fish including goldfish, tropicals, Africans, pirahnas and marine.

So the statement about their lack of knowledge couldn't be further from the truth.

Sorry for the rant on mods as that is totally off topic.
i totally agree with you rdd,i'm not sure why the mods were even brought into this.
I think half of the mod thing was my fault, I am pretty sure a case of mistaken identity with a few members I thought were mods (can't keep mods straight these days.) Theres still one mod I'm a little confused as to why he/she was chosen, but I have asked a mod to explain (if he is willing) because I am not sure exactly why he/she was chosen as a mod among others.
Pretty much as the titel says, who is getting a little fed up of it, new users coming in with arrogance and blantant disregard for fish, and the mods are letting them do it, even though various reports from various members have been made.

Few opinions on the matter or is it just me that thinks it?

My opinions of you are immature, but I do not go around making threads about it. If you do not like people, avoid them. You are behind a computer you don't need to reply to their threads, or even talk to them.
And one more thing I need to say and I don't care if I am going to get into trouble for saying it. It seems to me like all the new moderators have gotten elected, because they won a popularity contest, rather then their fish based knowledge.

This is the biggest amount of bull I have ever read.... Have you ever read one of BigNose's posts, you only have to read a few to realise that this guy knows what he talks about and backs up his facts well, and yet you say he is a mod because of a popularity content. Also Ludwig Venter and backtotropical have put alot of time and effort in helping others with their fish knowledge and replying to threads that no one else would reply to. They all have great knowledge of fish and in my opinion they were selected on their dedication to the forum and their willingness to help others, No popularity contests here mate....
Ace he got confused thinking other members were mods, no seriously.Pm incoming.
And one more thing I need to say and I don't care if I am going to get into trouble for saying it. It seems to me like all the new moderators have gotten elected, because they won a popularity contest, rather then their fish based knowledge.

This is the biggest amount of bull I have ever read.... Have you ever read one of BigNose's posts, you only have to read a few to realise that this guy knows what he talks about and backs up his facts well, and yet you say he is a mod because of a popularity content. Also Ludwig Venter and backtotropical have put alot of time and effort in helping others with their fish knowledge and replying to threads that no one else would reply to. They all have great knowledge of fish and in my opinion they were selected on their dedication to the forum and their willingness to help others, No popularity contests here mate....

Why don't you read through the whole thing next time? :rolleyes:

I think half of the mod thing was my fault, I am pretty sure a case of mistaken identity with a few members I thought were mods (can't keep mods straight these days.) Theres still one mod I'm a little confused as to why he/she was chosen, but I have asked a mod to explain (if he is willing) because I am not sure exactly why he/she was chosen as a mod among others.
I do ask alot of questions here and I also do read alot of the posts and learn every day something new about fish keeping. All of my inquires are sincere and the questions are usually meant to help me provide better food, home and atmosphere for my fish. I figure that if I'm going to spend all the money to buy the tanks, filters, heaters and fish that I need to provide the best home that they can have or not keep them. For me it is becoming a hobby and I do realish all the advise that those of you who have the years of experience and knowledge give. I pray that I haven't over did my welcome and I do know there are those who don't appreciate the advise but I do. Hopefully after awhile of keeping my fish and taking in the advise that I will eventually be one of the elders and share the knowledge that has been passed down to those who truely want it and will use it. Thanks for all the wonderful guidance and help on this forum not just for the answers to my questions but also to the questions that are sincere and directly related to real fish keeping.
Theres still one mod I'm a little confused as to why he/she was chosen, but I have asked a mod to explain (if he is willing) because I am not sure exactly why he/she was chosen as a mod among others.

I hate being paranoid. :crazy:

:lol: llj
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